I got very lucky last night, but wanted to get some feedback on other recovery methods...
As usual, the 10.1 Installer reset all my top level permissions, making sendmail unhappy.
As I've done thru all the previous releases, I went to / and attempted to
chmod g-w .
but instead (I think) typed
chmod -gw .
Boy, talk about making a system UNHAPPY... lost my Terminal window, then Finder, of all oddness all I had left was IE 5.1, and couldn't discover any useful recovery method thru it, so I rebooted and thought maybe I could boot from the 10.0 or 10.1 installer disk and pop out into a Terminal from it.. no dice.. a reboot failed as services started up (oddly enuf), but it seemed to get hung as it tried to start up my user...
After several more fits, I put in the 10.1 installer and tried to reinstall it thinking hey this durned thing changed my permissions the first time, maybe it'll do it again...
It failed 2/3 of the way thru...
However it had changed the perms (wonder why it then failed?)...
Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, I was ok again...
But I'm wondering what else I could have tried to get back in?
As usual, the 10.1 Installer reset all my top level permissions, making sendmail unhappy.
As I've done thru all the previous releases, I went to / and attempted to
chmod g-w .
but instead (I think) typed
chmod -gw .
Boy, talk about making a system UNHAPPY... lost my Terminal window, then Finder, of all oddness all I had left was IE 5.1, and couldn't discover any useful recovery method thru it, so I rebooted and thought maybe I could boot from the 10.0 or 10.1 installer disk and pop out into a Terminal from it.. no dice.. a reboot failed as services started up (oddly enuf), but it seemed to get hung as it tried to start up my user...
After several more fits, I put in the 10.1 installer and tried to reinstall it thinking hey this durned thing changed my permissions the first time, maybe it'll do it again...
It failed 2/3 of the way thru...
However it had changed the perms (wonder why it then failed?)...
Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, I was ok again...
But I'm wondering what else I could have tried to get back in?