How to reformat and install Mac OS X Panther clean


Hey guys, I just have a quick question. I'm a Mac newbie and I have no idea how I would go about reformatting my hard drive and re-installing Panther. I want a clean, fresh install. How would I go about doing that? Your help is always appreciated.
Boot off the OS CD, you'll get the installer menu. Follow the onscreen prompts. It will give you the option of a clean (format) install. Boot off the CD by holding the C key down.
Put the Panther Install CD #1 into the cd rom drive and
click on the Install Mac OS X icon when it shows up on
the desktop or reboot the computer while holding down
the C key as it starts up.

Select your language and press continue - then accept the license agreement, choose the destination volume, and click on Options.

Select the Erase and Install option and choose Mac OS X Extended (journaled) in the Format disk as window and click OK.

Now click Install (the Customize option is for advanced users)