How to select alternate SMTP in Mail?


My mail host won't let me send mail through them when I'm using different ISPs while traveling. Fair enough. So I have multiple accounts set up in Mail, one for each of the SMTP addresses at the various locations I travel to.

But when I'm composing a message, Mail will ONLY show my "home" SMTP account in the "Account" pull-down menu. According to the Help files, Mail wants to wait until the send attempt is refused by my "home" SMTP server before it will try using the others.

The problem is, my "home" SMTP server doesn't reject the connection attempt. It allows the connection, then just bounces the e-mail back to me a few seconds later. How can I get Mail to send using an alternate SMTP address?
When you go into Preferences, select your account and press Edit, in Account Information at the bottom where it says "Outgoing Mail Server" is a drop down combo box. Click it and at the bottom there should be an option to "Add Server". That's how you can add a different SMTP server and selecting it will force that account to use that SMTP server.

BTW, what version of OSX and/or are you using? I ask because I'm guessing you've tried to find this already, and maybe it's not available in older versions. I'm using whatever version of that comes with OSX 10.2.6
Thank you O guru.

I don't know why that solution wasn't obvious to me. I guess I was used to Entourage having the pull-down option appear in each outgoing message window.
