Since the death of the screen of my beloved i-book I took the thing apart. I noticed it was just the backlight. However spare parts to repair this are not that easily obtainable. So I decided to use this i-book as a kind of desktop machine. This can be done in the lowest resolution (on an old 60Hz CRT). This CRT can display 800x600, but does with this i-book just 640x480 
For the purpose it will be used for this is still acceptable ... but ... After switch-off and restart the damn thing comes up with the wrong display setting causing the old monitor to go haywire
I seem to remember you can resolve this by changing the settings somewhere in the BSD-subsystem: but where??
Any help is very much appreciated.

For the purpose it will be used for this is still acceptable ... but ... After switch-off and restart the damn thing comes up with the wrong display setting causing the old monitor to go haywire

I seem to remember you can resolve this by changing the settings somewhere in the BSD-subsystem: but where??
Any help is very much appreciated.