have an applcation that defines a specfic doc
extension for its binary docs. Documentation assocaition is set via Info.plist.
at shell $ open myDoc.oms
or $ myApp -i myDoc.oms
will open my app and load the doc.
I would like to know how to let Safari or other
web browser to recognize and open myDoc.oms
(open a file )
and further when webbrowser receives a linking like this
the browser will let myApp to open this *.oms file. (open url)
through Info.plist entry
<string>entry(for open file) ?</string>
<string>entry(for open file) ?</string>
<string>entry(for open url w/ *.oms) ?</string>
<string>entry(for open url w/ *.oms) ?</string>