how to set environment "path /usr/X11R6/include/X11"???


Hello :-)

i have a little c sourcecode i want to compile. It's for X11 and that i've installed. Now, when i "make" it (cc -c -O *.c; cc -o astrolog *.o -lm -lX11)
then he says, that he can't find the headers Xlib.h and Xutil.h. But they are in the directory: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/

so my question is, how to tell darwin, to add this path to his PATH environment variables?

in the Amiga times it was easy> path /usr/X11R6/include/X11/ add

but how to do this in X? *wonder* or, is it the wrong way, i think, and have i to set the path in the .cshrc file? but how would be the syntax?....

(man setenv) only gives very large but complicated informations about "tcsh"... but never is explained, how to use it! :-(
you don't want to add it to the $PATH variable.

Look at the doc for the compiler and you'lll
see that you need

-I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11

The '-I' tells it where to look for the includes
and the -L says where to look for the libraries.