How to set "list view" as default


Hi All,

This is probably blatantly obvious but I just can't find a solution. I've just migrated from Windows over to Panther. I want all my Mac windows to open in list view by default, not icon or column view. Why is this so impossible to do? I've tried setting it on a Finder window via "Show view options" and then setting "all windows" but it doesn't stick! What's the trick?

There is a similar option under Finder --> Preferences --> General --> Open new windows in column view. I don't think thats the one you're looking for though.
...yup I've seen that but want list view as default not column or icon. Just bizarre that it's not a straight forward setting. S
Two ways of doing this;

1) Close all Finder windows.

2) Finder>>Preferences>>General -- uncheck "open new windows in column view".

3) Open a Finder window, and set it up as you would like future finder windows to be...size, position, view options, etc. Do this WITHOUT selecting or modifiying anything in the finder window.

4) Close that Finder window.

From now on, your Finder windows should open up as you like them to.

Open the (in your Preferences folder)

The first key is AlwaysOpenWindowsInColumnView

Change the word Column to LIST. Save the file, log out or restart.

Thanks for the reply but neither work. I was hoping there was a single setting that would cause every single folder in the OS to open in list view - a GLOBAL setting. As soon as you go down a few layers, up comes the icon view again. Isn't there a global setting for this? I can't believe there isn't. Why does Apple assume everyone wants icon view? :(

I checked for the file you mentioned in preferences (AlwaysOpenWindowsInColumnView) but there is no such file. Is there another hack to get around this?

Many thanks....Scott
bobw said:
Open the (in your Preferences folder)

The first key is AlwaysOpenWindowsInColumnView

Change the word Column to LIST. Save the file, log out or restart.

damn cool! :D

I downloaded plist pro from Apple and proceeded to edit as stated above...and guess what? It did nothing. Still when I open a new folder for the first time - icon view. This is the pits. I have to say one thing in favour of Windows here...setting up the system the way you want is a piece of cake.

p.s. - why list veiw?
because list view instantly shows all the relevant file info that I want to see when I open a folder. Icon view is great if you're into eye-candy.
And Column View is even greater than both. ;) ... Apple urges us to use column view. I guess it's a NeXT thing (I know it is)... We'll see list view promoted when the last NeXT-derived worker at Apple dies - or fifteen years after that, rather. It's kind of sad, I guess, that Apple hasn't spent more time investing what was _really_ great about OS 9's Finder. And that they don't listen to John Siracusa of ars.technica fame, who has pointed out since Mac OS X Public Beta, that the new Finder is inherently flawed by these things...
Thanks for the reply fryke,

You're right - it's flawed. But what a huge oversight. I just can't believe we can't just check a box for either column, icon or list view and have it applied globally. No rocket science there...and if some folders were needed in icon view, well then it could be applied to that folder only (which does work now but in the opposite way you'd expect). Maybe I'll write a letter to Apple and tell them to sort it out. i wonder if someone out there has written a utility to correct this? Guess I'll keep looking and hoping.

Do as a previous poster in that you open a drive window either from the HD or the Finder icon in DOCK (not the menu bar). I setup computers the way a customer would like it by clicking the Finder icon in Dock first and setting its position, size and view by (icon, list or column, I prefer column). Closing that window and then re-opening reset again and close and all future times the window opens as liked. Do the same for the HD icon and you're all set.