how to show invisible files in Tiger


I installed Linux on my 1st gen ipod and the iPod is very unstable now. So I'll need to restore the iPod and delete everything on it.

However I want to be able to get my mp3's off the iPod first.

I've been sucusseful in copying the mp3's to hd from the iPod. but all the directories and mp3's are invisible. I've tried utitlities like inVisibles but none of them work. I looked into modifying but it doesn't have the ShowAllFiles property which needs to be set to 'Yes'

I have tried to enable visibility for all files by doing:

defaults write ShowAllFiles TRUE

I'm using Tiger, has anyone been able to turn visibility on for all files in this version of the OS?

any suggestion greatly appreciated.
I found an automater action on Apple's website that enables visibility for invisible files. I'm working a basic app that will automate the process.

news at 11...
To make the normally invisible files / folders visible, just enter the following ...

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1; killall Finder

... and <return>, in 'Terminal'.

To make the normally invisible files / folders invisible again, just enter the following ...

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0; killall Finder

... and <return>, in 'Terminal'.