How to take a screenshot?


Sorry for the simple question... I searched the forums and found a lot of threads with people posting their desktops, but never one with instructions on how to take the screen shot! :-)

Can anyone throw me a clue?
No apologies needed.
Shift + command(apple) + 4 will give you crosshairs. Using your mouse, move the crosshairs to the top left of what you want to capture... then click and hold on the mouse, dragging to down and right to enclose the section in a box. When you release the mouse button, you will hear a shutter click just like an old fashion camera. In a couple of seconds you will see a pdf file labeled picture 1.

If you want the entire desktop in a picture just use shift + command(apple) + 3.

pdf file is in OS X and a pic file is in OS 9.
If you're using 10.3 these and lots of other handy shortcuts are now given in System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts
also the screenshot of a window may be handy: apple - shift - 4 and then hit spacebar

if you want your screenshot to be e.g. in jpg format, check for Kunvert in versiontracker. It will open the screenshot (default format pdf), and save it to jpg, then even close the program if you like.. that is perfect for showing your desktop to others via web and so on. (it's really small, fast prog and it's free).
Command-Shift-3 will also take a picture of all the screens (monitors) you have.
i've never used gonna go check it out ( i thought shift cmmnd 3 and 4 everyone knew...hehe)

edit: whoa only cool thing is timed screenshot

btw - if you wanna take screenshots of windows - [shift] [command] [4] [space]
spitty27 said:
i've never used gonna go check it out ( i thought shift cmmnd 3 and 4 everyone knew...hehe)

edit: whoa only cool thing is timed screenshot

btw - if you wanna take screenshots of windows - [shift] [command] [4] [space]

What do you think I am ? an octopus?. I have used FreeSnap
I think he's joking about the fact that it takes quite a few fingers to take a screenshot.

If you add "ctrl" to either the Cmnd-Shift-3 or Cmnd-Shift-4 combo, the captured image will go to your clipboard instead of to a file on the desktop.