How to troubleshoot this QuickSilver problem


Rusher of Din
I've been using QuickSilver and for the past few versions have been having a problem that I cannot figure out. It all works fine when I have the Dock icon enabled, but when I disable it, I get this problem. If I hit the command to bring up the QS window, it will come up and then disappear. Hitting the command again will make it stay. It will only work this second time if I haven't clicked
on anything else. It seems that after the first time I hit the
command, QS is actually in focus, though the menubar shows that the
previous app in focus is still. I know this because if I hit the QS
command and it comes up and then disappears, if I hit something like
"Comand+Q", QS will quit, not the app that it says is in focus in the

I created a new user and it doesn't have this problem, but I have tried disabling all sorts of stuff, whatever I could think of, and nothing seems to make it go away.

Thanks for any suggestions.
See if Quicksilver has a .plist file in your Preferences folder and trash that and see if it helps.
Well there are uControl and SideTrack, which I tried disabling. I also edited the USB config file to swap Caps Lock and Control. I suppose I could try reversing that, but I don't think it would have anything to do with it. And the only Dock program I have running is Unsanity's ClearDock, but I had tried completely disabling APE with no luck.
I was just talking to the qs dev on aim and asked him about your problem, he said its a know bug and there is currently no fix for it.
If you need help with quicksilver i recomend the qs forums. Head over to
Thank you. I didn't know it was a known bug. I was talking to him though email but haven't heard from him in a while. I have a feeling I will go back to LaunchBar since I have two annoying problems with QS that don't look like they will be resolved.