How to uninstall programs?


Sorry if this isn't where I'm supposed to post this...
I was just wondering how do you uninstall programs or applications, is the term I should use, because I cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Drag the application itself (or the application's enclosing folder) to the Trash and empty it.

There is no "uninstall" like in Windows. Applications either have their own folder inside of the Applications folder, or the application is a single file inside of the Applications folder. Either way, just drag it to the trash.
mymagha said:
Sorry if this isn't where I'm supposed to post this...
I was just wondering how do you uninstall programs or applications, is the term I should use, because I cannot figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you're using OS X 10.4, and would like to remove files installed by Apple's Installer program, you can use my utility, Mac HelpMate, to inspect the receipts left in /Library/Receipts, then manually removed the files.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Drag the application itself (or the application's enclosing folder) to the Trash and empty it.

There is no "uninstall" like in Windows. Applications either have their own folder inside of the Applications folder, or the application is a single file inside of the Applications folder. Either way, just drag it to the trash.

Ohh okay, thanks so much!