How to use Quake 3 with an LCD?


I've purchased a G5 and I'm installing Quake 3 from my CD. When I try to play it my display goes black and a box says, "Video mode not supported." I've hooked a CRT up to it and set the Quake graphics settings to a few different settings (1024 x 768 with 32-bit colour, 800 x 600 with 16-bit colour), but still can't play Quake with the LCD. Any suggestions?
Did it work with your CRT? If so, it must be a prob with the graphic settings. Go to home/Library/Application Support/Quake3/baseq3 folder and edit the q3config.cfg file. Check every resolution line and add your lcds native resolution. Also try to reduce the colour depth to 16bit for testing.
Zammy-Sam said:
Did it work with your CRT? If so, it must be a prob with the graphic settings. Go to home/Library/Application Support/Quake3/baseq3 folder and edit the q3config.cfg file. Check every resolution line and add your lcds native resolution. Also try to reduce the colour depth to 16bit for testing.

I tried that - found parameters called r_customwidth and r_customheight and changed them to 1280 and 1024, then changed r_colorbits to 16. Still doesn't work.

btoth said:
What brand and size (or resolution) is your LCD?

It's a Samsung SyncMaster 192N - a 19 inch that I usually use at 1280 x 1024. It does work at other resolutions though.

Before I got the G5 I used to run Quake on my G4 with this display with no problems.

Then, it seems, it can't be the display, right? That's at least what my logic tells me. Rather it sounds like Quake's problem with a particular graphics mode with that particular graphics card. Maybe there's an update to Quake to solve that problem?
fryke said:
Then, it seems, it can't be the display, right? That's at least what my logic tells me. Rather it sounds like Quake's problem with a particular graphics mode with that particular graphics card. Maybe there's an update to Quake to solve that problem?

Exactly, I don't think it's the display. I have the latest update of Quake though - 1.3.2.

My old Mac had an ATI card and the G5 has an nVidia...

did you try deleting the config file?

if that still doesn't work, open your terminal and type in '/Applications/Quake3/' (change the path if u have quake installed elsewhere). this will start quake normally. after the quake reports error and u get back to os, check your terminal window for the messages quake returned. you sould be able to see what went wrong there
Racer D said:
did you try deleting the config file?

Yes, but no go.

Racer D said:
if that still doesn't work, open your terminal and type in '/Applications/Quake3/' (change the path if u have quake installed elsewhere). this will start quake normally. after the quake reports error and u get back to os, check your terminal window for the messages quake returned. you sould be able to see what went wrong there

Quake didn't return an error - as far as it knows, everything's fine. I did note that the display was set according to the r_mode parameter, which defaults to 3. At 3, the display is set to 640 x 480. I changed r_mode to 4 in the config file, which sets the display to "800 600 Fullscreen" according to the Terminal output. This resolution should work on my display, unless the refresh rate is something way off. I can't see any way to set the refresh rate though.

Racer D said:
try using custom resolution and set it to your lcd's optimal resolution

If you mean setting the r_customwidth and r_customheight parameters, in my earlier post I pointed out that I tried that. Is there anything else related to custom resolutions that I should know?

Racer D said:
but u said u only tried 640*480 & 800*600...

Check my second post.

Racer D said:
have you tried running in windowed (none full screen) mode?

Just tried that...and it worked! How wild is that. Guess I'll have to play in window mode from now on. Thanks for the suggestion.
