How to use ROOT login system?

Creating a 'root' account.
01. Launch 'NetInfo Manager' ('/Applications/Utilites/' folder).
02. Select the 'Security, Authenticate' menu item, and enter administrator's name (current user's name will be displayed) and password (if you have one) in the displayed window.
03. Select the 'Security, Enable Root User' menu item, and enter administrator's name and password in the displayed window.
You can optionally add / change a root password, via the 'Security, Change Root Password...' menu item.
04. Quit 'NetInfo Manager'.


Setting up 'Panther ' or 'Tiger' to allow you to log in as 'root'
01. Launch 'System Preferences' and select the 'Accounts' Utility.
02. Click on the administrator's name under 'My Account' and then click on the padlock icon. You will need to enter the administrator's name (current user's name will be displayed) and password (if you have one) in the displayed window.
03. Click on 'Login Options'.
04. Click on the 'Enable fast user switching' check box to add a check mark.
05. Under 'Display login window as:
'Panther' users must click on 'Name and password' radio button. '
Tiger' users can select either radio button. If the 'List of users' radio button is clicked on - the Login window (explained below, in detail) will include an 'Other...' icon button (finally, Apple's NExtStep'pers did something correct).
Whether you have 'Panther' or 'Tiger', you may make other changes, if so desired.
06. Quit 'System Preferences'.


How to log in as 'root'.
01. From the 'Switching' menu (you will see the current user's name displayed in the menu bar along the right hand side) select 'Login Window...'.
02. If you selected the ('System Preferences' 'Accounts' ) 'Name and password' radio button above ...
... in 'Panther' - enter 'root', press the <tab> key, enter root's password (if one exists), and then press the <return> key.
... in 'Tiger' - enter 'root', press the <return> key, enter root's password (if one exists), and then press the <return> key.
If you have 'Tiger' and selected the 'List of users' radion button above ...
... click on the 'Other...' icon, then enter 'root', press the <return> key, enter root's password (if one exists), and then press the <return> key.


To log out as 'root' (also known as, 'System Administrator')
Select the 'Apple' menu's 'Log out System Administrator'.


Note 1:
You will gain greater system wide editing capabilities by logging in as 'root' via the 'Login Window' than using 'sudo ...' in 'Terminal'.

Note 2:
There is a bug in 'Tiger' (Apple calls it a 'feature'). When you log out any accounts, do not be surprised if any Firewire mounted volumes disappear. There are many ('some' according to Apple) which have experienced this (including others I know, and myself) who hope this 'feature' will be resolved in MacOS X 10.4.3 ('').

Note 3:
Frequently consult '' and '', among the many informative web sites, for resolutions to many of Apple's latest 'features'.