Howto about MacBook display, help plz.


I was wondering, if it is possible to leave the computer functioning, while the display of my MacBook is closed. I'm just used to it back from my older laptop and now it still frustrates me, when I close it because of old habit and whole work freezes while I'm away... It is useful after all, dust doesn't cover it, when it's closed, and why to wait for monitor to go asleep when you can just close it. So, dear Forum, tell me how to do that :)
it is possible. can't remember how but I came across something that will allow you to fully close the cover and have it not sleep on you. now, me personally; i wouldn't suggest it. heat escapes through the keyboard and if you were to close it, the heat will build up A LOT. even if I close it almost all the way when I'm working on my 23 incher, it gets hot and the fan comes on a lot. anymore, i just leave it up all the way, prop a shim under the rear to let air underneath and turn the display off and it doesn't get hot at all. i have the temp monitor on my upper bar as well to monitor.

i'll also say, i've had more than one motherboard (PC laptop) burn up on me so I'm paranoid about heat anyways. laptops and heat are always a problem, especially if the lid is closed.
Yup, MacBook could not blame for being cold :)
I usualy leave it just downloading smth, so there shouldn't be too much workload for him..
So, what is that magic way to do it?