[HOWTO] - Gain Missing Disk Space


Yeah, Androo.
Hello, I am Andrew, your friend, possibly enemy, or maybe aquaintence here at Macosx.com. Someone once told me where some of my missing hard disk space went. I was missing quite a bit. It is because of your Cache. Luckily I have found a little app that CLEANS your cache, and frees an amount of your disk space from the clutches of evil. You can download here, from version tracker:
Just download it, click demo, and save your disk space from evil CACHE!!!!!
You don't need Cache, it's just useless files that are made for absolutely NO REASON!
Good luck,
Well the cache really is used to (as the name implies) to cache stuff.

The reason it's there: to speed up daily activities.

emptying your cache really isin't a big boost in performance, although it might free space in RAM, and temporary dirs. To get best performance out of your machine, it's best, i think, to get __more__ "RAM"
OK. cache right?

i did a search in the finder for some files, which took forever. After 15 minutes i decided to relaunch the Finder. And now i lost about 600Mb. Where did it go?
Is this also cached?
I would strongly suggest a program called Delocalizer or monolingual. These are superb freeware utils that clean out all the language kits we don't need. This saves tons of disk space. Cache is actually a good thing, it's what keeps your windows opening fast etc.
The best utility I have found by far for OSX and it is absolutly free is a program called, "Macjanitor." It is GUI based program that forces the already existing Apple Daily, Weekly, and Monthly scripts to run. These scripts clean up and compact the cache and other "behind the scenes" of OSX. The problem is most people don't realize that these scripts exist and so they shut the power down on their machines, thus the Apple scripts can't run. And so over time, the junk files continue to accumulate. They are supposed to run some time in the late night hours. The first time I used this utility, I did actually see a performance increase and a significant chuck of hard-drive was opened up. I would go to Versiontracker and search for this utility. You will be glad you did. Best of luck:)
The best utility I have found by far for OSX and it is absolutly free is a program called, "Macjanitor." It is GUI based program that forces the already existing Apple Daily, Weekly, and Monthly scripts to run.

I have found that OnyX 1.4.6 does as good or better. Let me know if you try it.
To find space hogs, I always use OmniDiskSweeper, a wonderful application that lists your harddrive by sizes. Helps very much.
Getting rid of unneeded printer setups also helps regain some space. I have a Canon printer so I just leave the Canon stuff in. IfI ever changed, I'd just resintall or download the printers needed.
I also trash EULAs, Read Mes, acknowledgements logs. I trash samples of apps I'm very comfortable with. iPhotoDiet will help with photos. Deleting Classic apps you don't need works well. iDVD eats up space if you don't use (and if you do, you can still delete templates you don't use). GarageBand and JamPack has a couple of dozen duplicated loops (osxhints has the list).
I've also gone through and deleted the installed desktop images I don't want.