[HOWTO] - Increase your mouse's MAX speed...

Al-Rashid said:
This fix only works in earlier versions of OSX. I tried it today in Panther; No Dice! ;)

I'll try another way and post it.

Ok so now im really confused. Read this link to try it. But read the whole thing and found this one on the end. LOL. Sorry Rashid. Guess i will wait to see some more posts. Im on 10.3.5 New user and on 1280 x 854 15.2 pbook.

Was sooooo looking forward to a faster tracker.

We will see. :eek:
If you use PathFinder, unhide the hidden files and double click on .GlobalPreferences.plist : it will open in the Property List Editor. Easiest to read and manage.
chevy said:
If you use PathFinder, unhide the hidden files and double click on .GlobalPreferences.plist : it will open in the Property List Editor. Easiest to read and manage.

Sorry, as i said i am a Mac newbie. So please be patient. Where is pathfinder? Or could you be real nice and post me the whole how to?

Thanks :)
No need, as that doesn't fix the Panther issue... Second: PathFinder is shareware, some kind of replacement for the Finder. You can also just use the Finder and let _it_ show you hidden files. Or the Terminal. But: MouseZoom was also mentioned above. The new version can be found here: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/mac/12205 ... (v2.1) and is said to work in 10.3.x, too - unless you've installed a third party mouse driver like USB Overdrive (which you probably haven't). MouseZoom is also free.

However: Do you guys really need accelerated mice? ;-) ... I think that's very windowssy and the bad mouse drivers are part of why I can't really work with Windows. They're too inaccurate, never the right speed... I'm a graphics pro and have to sometimes hit the pixels exactly. ;-)
It's not so much of an issue as it was when OS X first came out. The mouse has been sped up a bit since then - it used to be waaay too slow. That's why I went looking for a way to speed it up in the first place. ;)
I like my slightly accelerated mouse (low cost optical Compaq mouse bought in a RadioShack) on my 17" iMac, but I didn't go to 3 ! And I can still draw.
I see mouse scaling in the file NSGlobalDomain. In terminal type: defaults read NSGlobalDomain, and hit return. You can find mouse scaling in the results.