I'm not sure if anyone else gets Macworld every month but for people who hate the dock will love this (i don't but i know a few who do).
Open up the terminal and type this code :
defaults write com.apple.Dock orientation -string top
then open up the Activity Monitor and Quit Process for the dock, the dock will goto the top of the menu bar, where it will only activate on an extremely thin line.
On another note, if your going to do this, purchase DragThing, allows drawers on the screen, and can also place a shortcut to the trash on the desktop as well.
Open up the terminal and type this code :
defaults write com.apple.Dock orientation -string top
then open up the Activity Monitor and Quit Process for the dock, the dock will goto the top of the menu bar, where it will only activate on an extremely thin line.
On another note, if your going to do this, purchase DragThing, allows drawers on the screen, and can also place a shortcut to the trash on the desktop as well.