I noticed today (because I rebooted, which I seldom do) that when NetworkTime was starting up, it took FOREVER. So I rebooted with apple-v (verbose mode) and NetworkTime gave some message about failing to resolve time.apple.com. After that happened, a few more things loaded, then the cacheing dns loaded. So looks like our dns server should start before any service that uses it, right?
Well, inside the StartupParamaters, it says it requires Disks, Resolver, Desktop DB, and Input Manager.
So why does the DNS server require the Resolver? Don't programs ask the Resolver to resolve hosts, and the resolver looks them up with the dns server? How can we make the dns server starrt up *before* anything requireing the resolver?
Also, I keep getting these entries in my console log (and on boot up in verbose mode):
Dec 20 01:22:18 mach4 lookupd[201]: DNSAgent: dns_fqdn_query_server - query failed for
Dec 20 01:22:28 mach4 lookupd[201]: DNSAgent: dns_send_query_server - timeout for
Dec 20 01:22:48 mach4 last message repeated 2 times
Dec 20 01:22:48 mach4 lookupd[201]: DNSAgent: dns_fqdn_query_server - query failed for
Dec 20 01:23:02 mach4 lookupd[201]: DNSAgent: dns_send_query_server - timeout for
This is all in my console.app file, but its really in /var/logs/netinfo.log
Any ideas?
Oh, and typing dig in the terminal works fine...