[HOWTO] - Switch between open tabs in Safari


Just figured this one out.

Try combining shift+command+left or right arrows.

Pretty cool....I have been looking for a way to do this for a while

wow I was try understand why it wasn't possible, stupidly continuing to try using the tab key....
Why didn't you ask before? I couldn't imagine living without this feature.
However, for firefox it is ctrl+tab or apple+1, 2, 3...
because normally i don't use so much tabs, so I could live without this feature :)
I use them only when searching scientific articles, 'cause to reach the full text, starting from the abstract available in the searche engines, I have to go through 5 or six different pages...
Hi all

In fireworks in know the tab issue as it is a mozilla thing ....

But in safari do I need an update to have the tabs or I am so blind that I could not see it in the menu
When you're a bachelor living alone and there's nothing to eat except a loaf of bread, you start to think "yep, nothing beats sliced bread."
dcoon81 said:
Just figured this one out.

Try combining shift+command+left or right arrows.

Pretty cool....I have been looking for a way to do this for a while

brilliant tip! thanks, dcoon81!

I was asking a friend about this the other day (I "switched" 4 years ago and he's been using Apple since version 7) and he said it wasn't possible!

Fabulous!!! It's something I've been dying to find out!

Thank you for the tip, I have been looking for the tabs myself. Tabs and no popups were the greatest features when I moved to FireFox from IE at work. I have much to learn as a revelation occurred in my life one month ago. It actually felt great when someone called me a traitor. Now, I ask why I waited this long to discover a Mac.
Thanks Again