HOWTO: View folders first then files


in all my finder and programs i want to view my folders first then the files.
right now everything is just alphebeticalized despite it being a folder or file. Can i change this somewhere? its really anoying.

Just open a finder window and click on the tab (View) (at the toolbar of the finder window) and click on the far right mode.
thats the view mode i usually use however if you have folders and files together they are still just displayed in alphabetic order. i want folders first....then list the files. like in windoze.
i was opening something in a program:
i want the listing of things to be folders first then files.
is this not doable?

making os x more like windows SHOULDN'T be doable. nor should anyone want it to be.

if you want to view files and folders seperately, then stick everything in folders.
When you open the window you want to look at, click the 'Kind' Tab, and it will sort folders and files separately, or at least all files of each type separately, plus folders separately.
You can always use PathFinder as a Finder replacement. It's got a lot of cool features and they've done a good job of making do pretty much everything the Finder does and then some. It can take over your desktop, for example, so clicking on the desktop brings up PathFinder instead of Finder. It's also cocoa so you can use cocoa gestures in it! Very customizable too. But I digress... :)

Personally I don't like folders-first and agree with edX, but it is an option in PathFinder. You can try it out here:

Don't know of a way to change the dialog boxes. Default Folders X ( might make navigating the dialog boxes easier though.