HP OfficeJet G55 Scan via USB on OS X.1.2?


Hello :-)
I have an iMacDV500 with this "offi", connected via USB. I have installed the new Drivers (from the HP-Webpage: "HPojG55 403_G_X_en.dmg" and "HPojG55 g_403a_en.dmg" which is the regularly linked driver package from their OS X Support Page) for the "HP OfficeJet G55" (Firmware: 4.05) about 20times with different schemes. Printing is working! but to use the "Scan"-Application seems to be impossible:

• Installation with any other Language Sets than "English"
 --> allways crashed so totally, that Aqua freezes!
• Installation with "U.S.English" L.S. the first time crashes... the next tries it says:
--> "Unable to open Device!" and then "Unable to communicate with TWAIN data source"

to prevent any tips i've already tested, here's a list of items i already tried:
• my iMac has firmware: 4.19f1, and is correct installed and is for about over 3 months absolutely stable!
• Deinstalled every(!) Part of HP Drivers, as in OS X so also in OS 9.2.2.
• Connect de Device direct via USB in the iMac.
• Download the dmg-file more than one times and with different Download-Tools, also from HP's-FTP-Server.
• tried out the "HP Scan DS" TWAIN module from installation and from a friend in the USA.
• deletet the prefs files, also the whole stuff (like HP explains it on their Website) to reinstall new.
• Eiminated every other StartupItem in the Login-Settings from SystemPreferences.

To the end i have to ensure you, that i tried also every tips together at least for about more than 5times... but there sems to be no chance!

Does someone know a solution??? ;-(

PS: because the most people are in this part of the forum, i put the thread here.
I have a G85 instead of a G55, but am guessing it works basically the same. The main problem I faced is that the install did not set up the application "HP All-in-one Communications" to launch at logon, and nothing will work unless it's running. You mention eliminating 'every other' entry in the startup items, but it isn't clear if the AIO Comm app is being started.

The G85 installer puts this application in /Library/StartupItems (not the right place for it, but that's a different story), but on my 10.1.2 system it has never added it to the 'Login' items list in three installs.

To test this out, run 'top' in the Terminal and look for 'HP All-in-one Communications'. If it isn't there, just open the StartupItems folder and if you see the AIO Comm icon there, double-click on it. Then see if your Assistant will run to set up the printer. If this fixes it, add the AIO Comm app to your Login list.

Or, have you succeeded in running the HP Assistant to set up the printer already? If you did that, then the AIO Comm app must have been running.

This may not be your problem; I haven't seen anybody else report this problem, but I had it.

Oh, be sure you aren't logged in as root; HP says it won't work if you are.
Thanks mcastell :-)

to Print with the offi55 works! to Scan does not work here! And the Item "HP AIO Com" i've never seen (not in one of my few downloaded archives).
What i have in the StartupItems (and in the Login-StartupItems) is the Application: "HP All-In-One Communications" native Application. It's working. But, i dont' have ONE problem with "Printing". This works absolutely professionel!

The Problem could be, that this "HP AIO Com" (of what you wrote) is nowhere!.....

Can U send it to me tazmandevil@mac.com please, to have a look on it? :-) Perhaps, it is the "hidden" part, that lets the "Scan"-Application work!
Sorry, HP AIO Comm is just shorthand so I didn't have to keep spelling out 'HP All-in-one Communications' (see my first paragraph).

Once I got my G85 so it would print, I had no trouble scanning, running HP Director and choosing scan, fax, etc. I'm afraid that I have no other ideas for you.
that deprimes ;-(....

is someone else having a solution?... *wonder*...probably: hey, a new question!:

Have you (where all works fine) installed the drivers by logging in Aqua as:
• Administrator User
• User or
• root?
And, what of that did you select in the installer? (me everywhere the Administrator User with activated root)
i just .... another issue, that may be a part of the problem!

I looked into the folders of /Library/Printers/hp/aio
there are plugins for everything: faxing, printing, sending... etc.
but no one for "scanning"!!!

is it possible, that someone there finds such a module and could send it to me by email?> tazmandevil@mac.com please!!! ;)

another possible issue, i could imagine, could be a not complete or defect prefs file at all for the Scan-Application!

can also someone who has the time send it to me please?
/Library/Preferences/HP All-In-One Prefs/HP Scan Prefs