Hp Printer on Win2000 networked to OSX


Hi, I have an HP officejet 5510 hooked up to a windows 2000 machine. I want to print via network from my mac OSX G4 laptop.

I've been reading some of the other threads, but have not been successful.

I Seem to be missing the PPD, which I found, but have no idea about linux and all that installation mumbo jumbo. (not a programmer)

What can I do. Please help. I'm loosing sleep over this.

Well, first of all, Linux and Mac OS X are two separate beasts. They are unix-like (although Mac OS X is more UNIX than Linux), but that's about it.

As for the drivers for the printer, just head over to HP's site and download the drivers (if they exist) for Mac OS X for your type of printer. Download it, install it, and then try and access the printer over the network again.

Good luck.
yeah, HP doesn't provide the PPD, and says nothing about how to network their printers.

The office jet 5510's printer is the Phtotosmart PSC 2400. that's apparently what I need the PPD for.
HP's non-postscript drivers don't support Windows Printing, because they bypass CUPS. What you get with their driver is just what it was written for - USB (and with HP, sometimes appletalk).

You need to install the hpijs and ESP ghostscript driver set from:
(Don't get the source code!)

Then you need the PPD from:
(sorry, that's the closest they have to yours)

To use the PPD, when you're adding select Model "Other," which allows you to navigate to the file and choose it.

Good luck.