.htaccess - Can't Create


Does a .htaccess file have to be created in Terminal? If I try to create any file with a period at the beginning within the Finder, Mac OS X won't let me. I was hoping I could make a text file in BBEdit Lite, but no luck.

I am somewhat new to Apache, as well as UNIX, and am still trying to get my bearings on what can and cannot be done.

i dont know that the file HAS to be made at the command line, but it should, it just makes things easier. you have prolly never used a command line text editor, pico is about as light wight as you can get. the ternminal (unix shell) is not that hard to grasp, and as apple has made the tcsh shell the default iy makes it a bit more "user friendly-er" than other shels such as bash for instence. if you make your .htaccess file in the terminal, you will not have to worry about things like line endings. and you also need to use the

i could explain it, but that would take a lot of typing, and i am lazy. check out this link and you will be all set. you will have to change a setting in your httpd.conf file to use .htaccess (apple has it turned off in the default OS X, OS X Server install)


the first half of the tute is what you want, the second goes into PHP authentication and use of sessions, wich is cool, but might be more than you want. also, there is another way to do authentication that does not use htaccess. you can add a directive to your httpd.conf file to limit access to registered users or groups of a computer. this might not be what you want. if it is, let me know.