Well, the specs of the IPX are "slow"

It's a whopping 40Mhz sun4c processor maxed out with 64M of ram

It is the size of a lunchbox, and I'll part with it for the cost of shipping/packing and a 6 pack of Bass
The SS5 is the fastest of the SS5's, a 170Mhz sun4m processor in it, with iirc either 144 or 168M's ram. The box goes on ebay for probably about $100 alone, but it also has an hme 10/100 sbus card (it's a 10bt le card onboard), a sbus f/w scsi card, cg6 sbus video, and the
piece de resistance a sun sbus video capture card

I'll part with it for probably $150 plus shipping for the whole package. Oh, also have a type5 keyboard/mouse (might still also have a type4, don't recall, but if I both will go) that I'll toss in for a 6 pack of Bass

(notice the recuring theme)
Oh, also have a nice DEC alphastation 255 with OSF/1 media and manuals

It's Brian's computer clearance, come one, come all, everything must go, low low prices. If someone doesn't buy one in the next 24 hours, I'll club this baby seal, make a deal to save the seal
PS: for those without a sense of humor, i do not have a baby seal
PSS: ...... but i do have a teenage one