I am not John Denver.


Where mah "any" keys at?
Nor am I Mohammed Ali.
Nor am I Walt Whitman.
Nor Al Gore.
Who am I, you may ask?
I am you.
You are me.
We each carry a little piece of everyone else inside.
Look in the mirror.
What do you see?
You should see you.
You should also see me.
You should see your mother and father.
You should see your sister and brother.
You should see your teachers and neighbors.
You should see your friends and family.
You should see the poor kids on TV who don't have enough to eat.
For we are all copies of one template.
Something gets lost in the process.
Something gets distorted.
That is why we look different.
But we are not different.
We are all human beings.
We are all brothers and sisters.
We each must take care of everyone else.
We each must take care of ourselves.
For if we do not, we treat each other poorly.
If we hurt each other, we hurt ourselves.
If we hurt ourselves, we hurt our world.
If we hurt our world, why should we go on?
So: who am I?
I am you, and you are me, and we are in this together.