I apologize but...help me transfer my iTunes library to my friend's computer


I'm sorry, I'm sure this question has come up before, but I need some help.

I have a MacBook Pro and my friend has a PC. Basically she wants to get my iTunes library onto her PC. We have an external hard drive.

When I plugged in the hard drive, I opened the folder. I then went into my iTunes and selected all songs and tried to drag them into the hard drive (this did not work). Now I've looked up how to do this on google but I'm not really finding the answer to my problem.

How can I give her my library without messing with my library on my mac?

I know my music is located in music -> iTunes -> iTunes media. But after that each artist has their own folder, and if I were to copy that and put it in the hard drive it would take forever to open on her iTunes, since I have thousands of songs and a lot of artists.

Thanks in advance!!!
You're going to have to copy the music files from your computer to hers -- there is no other way to do it (unless you want to "share" your library over a local network, which, I assume, you don't want to do -- because then she couldn't listen to anything unless you two were on the same local network).

You've got the basic idea right -- you must copy your "iTunes Music" folder from your Mac to her PC, and you can use an external hard drive to do this (although the hard drive must be formatted in the FAT32 format [not NTFS, and not Mac OS Extended] for both computers to be able to read/write to this drive).

There are a ton of articles on the internet explaining how to do this:


Instead of dragging the actual music listings inside of iTunes to the hard drive, you need to drag the actual iTunes Music Folder on your hard drive to the external drive. You must locate this folder first, which should be in your home folder, under "Music."