I cannot launch half of my applications!


Lorem Ipsum
First of all, it's been a long time since i have been on this forum, so hello everyone.
Next, i don't know why, but applications such as acrobat reader (and full version for that matter,) as well as illustrator, nav, have decided that they will unexpectedly quit before they ever fully load. I don't exactly know how I should approach this problem since most of my apps aren't in the same boat. I'm trying to kill extraneous system stuff at the moment, so feel free to offer advise.

have you tried to run fsck to repair the permissions? (reboot, hold apple-s when restarting, then type fsck -y and it will fix any broken permissions)

wb :)
i've done that since the problem arose, to no end i'm afraid. But you know what, i'm gonna go try that again.
Diskcopy (in /Applications/Utilities) has a permissions repair option. I won't guarantee it will help. . .
I don't know about the starting to load bit, my apps all of a sudden stopped booting. Click in the dock and nothing would happen. I'd go to the app itself, same result. All third party apps went bug-eye. The iApps were fine.

I tried the single user bit, no soap. Tried booting from the cd and running disk utility to repair permissions, still no action. All this happened after one of the kidz upgraded MSN Messenger.

I tossed the apps (this includes Office, Freehand, Photoshop and Taco HTML) and reinstalled from their original disks, but didn't reinstall X.

Now everything works again, I guess I can blame Microsoft. (And the kidz lost admin privileges ;^) )
I actually think the primary issue is with installers... InstallerVise does veryfrequently doesn't run, or gives up after a certain point. The event I could give that triggered this activity is a very spontaneous loss of preferences after a reboot. (my desktop was default, the dock was huge, etc)