i can't delete my trash


I get an error message when i try to delete my trash that states that i do not have enough privileges to do so. Does anyone know whats going on and how i can fix this problem?

I'm running Os 10 1.5,
Two things you can try:
1) Hold down the option key as you choose Empty Trash
2) If this fails, open the Terminal application and type sudo rm -r ~/.Trash/* and enter your password when asked. Be *very* careful with sudo and rm in the same command though, I once hosed my whole user account by doing something similar and not checking for typos.
Do you mean this always happens or has just happened? I used to get that a lot in 10.1. Usually all you have to do is get info for the file, unlock, and change its ownership from System to User.

Hope this helps.

P.S. The newer versions of OS X are much improved over 10.1, and welcome to the forum.
I've had this problem before and it seems its crept up again. I've tried holding option before and it still didn't work. I have a ton of files to delete and don't want to unlock each and everyone. Hopefully there is an easier solution. Dlloyd...what is the "Terminal application"?

Propeller, it's in the Applications/Utilities folder. Note that for the command to work, your account has to be of the Admin type.

I would try repairing the permissions first, I should have thought of this earlier. Do this in the Disk Utility application, in the same folder as the Terminal
And in case repairing Permissions doesn't give you ownership of these files, you can just gather them all into a new folder, select all, get info and then unlock and select Owner: User and delete. Really easier than it sounds.
Hmmm, I guess if it works. :)
I still prefer the Terminal cause it's already on my system. I try not to install *too* much random junk on my computer.
Hey guys, so i've finally gotten around to trying some of your suggestions. I've tried putting my files in a folder, setting the privileges and deleting....it didn't work. Tried Option+deleting trash and that didn't work either.

I went to the Terminal application and typed: "sudo rm -r ~/.Trash/*" but am not sure what i'm supposed to do after, do i hit enter? Need some hand holding here.

I also went to the Disk Utility and didn't see any options to repair permissions....I haven't tried IEmpty but maybe i should try that next?

Please help!
ok, after you have typed the command in the terminal, you should hit enter.. but try first to repair permissions... go to th disk utility app., then select your volume, not your disk, and the repair disk permissions tab would become active.click on it and then try to empty the trash.. if it doesn't work, use the terminal...
You might have to highlight (select) a Volume from the side bar on the left in Disk First Aid to enable Repair Disk Permissions.

iEmpty might still work in case all else fails, but you should not have to use it on a regular basis: the important thing is to get your system running properly in the first place. Which is why I urge you to get hold of a newer OS X than 10.1, which was never ready for prime time.
Open the terminal and type:

cd ~/.Trash
<hit return>

sudo rm -rf

put a space after the f and drag the item you want deleted to the terminal so that its path is automatically entered, then press return

give it your admin password and hit return
I've partitioned my drive into two drives. My main drive that is completely full is the one i need to fix and when i highlight it in Disk First Aid i don't get any options. I don't have a tab to verify disk permissions, i do have it at the computer at work but i am running 10.3.7 at work.

I can verifty my second partition for some reason.
Your drive should NEVER be completely full. You should have at least 15% of free space to avoid possible damage.
Hey andychrist,

i tried your link for iEmpty but it doesn't look like the page is active any longer. Is there anywhere else i can find the program?

Thanks for your help,