I can't install Panther


I purchased the installation package for Panther 10.3.9.
The disks were labeled as "iBook G4." I decided to try
to install it on my B&W Power Mac. I inserted the first
DVD. This is what happened in successive windows:

1. Rebuilding Desktop file

2. Welcome to Mac OS X
18 items, 4.1 MB available
Install Mac OS X icon

3. Install Mac OS X
Click the button below to restart your computer and
begin the installation.
Restart button

4. A fatal error occurred
Could not launch Startup Disk control. (-35)

The Mac OS X Install Disk 1 icon was on the desktop.

Is there anything I can do?

PS It's currently running OS 9.2.2.
Mac OS X Install CDs and DVDs that come with Apple computers are machine-specific, meaning you cannot use an Install CD/DVD that came with an iBook to install OS X on a machine other than an iBook.

You will either need to find system-specific OS X CDs or DVDs that are compatible with your B&W G3 (which there are none, since no B&W G3 machine ever shipped with OS X), or purchase a retail copy of OS X to install on your machine.