I cant see a thing!!


I accidentialy changed my monitor resolution last night to a setting that is outside of the frequency range and my monitor won't switch back to an acceptible range. When I boot up in 9 using the startup disk it's fine. When I boot up in OS X it switches back to the unacceptible range and all I see is a black screen.

Any thoughts on how to switch the resolution back in OS X without being able to see anything?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You may try to zap the PRAM. Simply hold down command+alt+p+r on startup (before it starts loading the system). Then the machine should reboot, and you can release the keys :)
Originally posted by petetschudy
Thanks. I tried that. Still a black screen after it boots up.

Uhm, what Mac do you have?
When in the startup process does it change resolution?
I actually had a very similar problem.... solution (although my OS is vers. 9.2),
start up with rebuilding the desktop. It worked for me. Hope it works for you.... good luck. :)