I catted my MacOsX Drive


I have a problem with one of my drives:
many mounths ago I had some trouble and I wanted to clean "definitively" one of
my drives. Then I used the Terminal to "cat 0" on the drive.You know apples
drive are a little bit "other" to find with Pdisk or fdisk .....
I make it short I CATTED THE WRONG DRIVE and so I wrote 30 seconds ZEROES (I
think 300-500 MB) on my drive.
My question: can I save or repair or rescue the rest of my DATA or mount the drive to scan for DATA

You might try mounting the disk in Firewire Target disk mode, if you have access to another Mac or a PC with firewire and MacDrive installed. There is a howto on this forum.

Aside from that, there MIGHT be a disk recovery utility that could find the data on your disk, though I can only wonder what state that will be in. I haven't tried any disk recovery utils for the Mac, though.

I guess this is a lesson to all to BACK UP YOUR STUFF!
search for dog, this maybe able to reverse your problem!!

joking. Sound like you are screwed unless you had something like norton filesaver installed so you could recover your files.

I guess this is a pointless post making a joke of what, for you, is quite a serious problem.

Maybe next time you should stick with formatting the right drive, rather that zeroing the wrong drive!
ok I havnt told why I "catted" my drive but it is not important now. Anyway I had serious problems with my MacOsX 10.02 or 10.04 on this drive and after many formatting and re-installing I had no idea where the fs or MacOsX wrote some files or bits that made after the upgrading on 10.1 freezing on an aqua-planing desktop that gave me (the first & only Admin) 501 no chance to have a clean login in multiuser BUT the account of my wife was clean ... Permissions Conflict was my idea and the radical solution zeroing the drive to reinstall CLEAN but ...
the Drive recognition with pdisk is not so easy on apple as on Linux and the definitions where the drives are mounted is not so clear as hda hdb hdc ...
So this was to have a little more about my 40 GB disk that sleeps untoucht in my G4QS 867

For any suggestion ... a good spaghetti receipt !

Permissions Conflict was my idea and the radical solution zeroing the drive to reinstall CLEAN but ...

That is quite likely. Your permissions may have been corrupted under 10.0.4, and performing a simple upgrade rather than a clean install would cause the login problems you describe.

I don't think you should zero the disk on a Mac system in the way that you might on a Linux PC, as they handle their low level formatting very differently. The hard disk drivers are stored in a special location on the hard disk itself, and these drivers will need to be restored, which is done during a clean install of Mac OS 9 or X. Also, the HFS+ file system is very different to the Unix UFS file system, and I can't guess how zeroing the disk might mess it up.

the Drive recognition with pdisk is not so easy on apple as on Linux and the definitions where the drives are mounted is not so clear as hda hdb hdc ..

The disks are stored at disk1s1, disk1s2, etc etc ... You can use the "df" unix command to see where your hard drive is located. Mine is /dev/disk0s5.
I would advise against using pdisk from the command line if you are having trouble following the prompts. Instead, boot from the Mac OS X install CD, and in the installer menu, you can open Disk Utility.
By doing this, you will be able to format the drive, and it will automatically check drivers and so on.

For any suggestion ... a good spaghetti receipt !

I assume that's meant to be "recipe". Well, anything for spaghetti. :)
think&handle foor the peace

A simple one for 2 Pasta-Fan
1 BOX Thuna 160g
1 Onion
1 Box Liquid tomatoes
1 Spoon of "capperi" (I don't know haw to say capperi on english maybe capern) these are findable by Italian Food-store
Olive Oil

Cut the onion fine&put it into a pot with the Oil (the oil temperature must be not to hot NEVER SMOKING !) After 2 Minutes when the onion begin to be goldly put some salt&blackpowder and half of the capern.
Then put the Thunafish and press it with a fork to be in little pieces. After 3-5 minutes (the onion is gold-brown) put the liquid tomatoes and by rotating once a time let this cook for 10-15 minutes. Or better begin to put the big pot for the pasta on the fire ! And remember ALWAYS 500 ml water every 100 g Pasta is the gold rule for a good pasta.5 Minutes before the pasta is OK (look ever on the cooking time of the pasta sort) put the rest of the capern fine cutted into the tomato sauce
good appetite
PostScriptum: better than spaghetti is this thunatomatoescapern for short pasta as "Tortiglioni or Penne rigate or Fusilli"
one more about drive recognition
the Drive recognition with pdisk is not so easy on apple as on Linux and the definitions where the drives are mounted is not so clear as hda hdb hdc ..

The disks are stored at disk1s1, disk1s2, etc etc ... You can use the "df" unix command to see where your hard drive is located. Mine is /dev/disk0s5.

the problem is that when the drive have not Drivers partition because
1: Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1
2: Apple_Driver43*Macintosh 56 @ 64
3: Apple_Driver43*Macintosh 56 @ 120
4: Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh 56 @ 176
5: Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh 56 @ 232
6: Apple_FWDriver Macintosh 512 @ 288
7: Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh 512 @ 800
was yet ZEROED I cannot have the complete Info trought df because the drive is not mounted or seen. Others is the Calling throught ASP where the presence of the 2nd drive results on the infos

How can I "scan" the ports via terminal or in SingleUser to ask witch "thinghs" (mounted or not mounted) are fisically present on my system ? And how can I try to "force" mounting ?
