
When making modification to very clear instuctions it's bl**dy important to tell the one having given the instructions that you've done so. You've mangled the process and left me trying to find out what has gone wrong with my instructions even though the bl**dy fault is all yours

As I've told you before: you
MUST learn to give proper feed-back
2) the line you've made the change to has nothing at all to do with where DarwinPorts has been installed. I would
still be installed in '/darwinports' as that's controlled by the script in the './configure' command.
3) if all you really want is to run Gimp, then I'ld really recommend an nice *.dmg instead to you:
http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/22990 . You are much better off with that than trying to get DarwinPorts to work for you.
4) from what you are reporting, DarwinPorts hasn't been installed, so let's leave it at that. And go look at that nice *.dmg. That's the one I'm using to my great satisfaction.
5) as to you still having 'nobody' in the command prompt that is possibly due to you not having corrected the 'nobody' or 'root' user accounts correctly in 'Netinfo Manager'. Go back in the thread and look at the commands I've used to generate dumps from 'Netinfo Manager'. Execute these commands - they are hamless and you can't make any damage to anything by using them. Then very carefully compare the output I've posted with the output you get. Then and only then can you start 'Netinfo Manager' and correct the entries in the 'nobody' and 'root' account. Double- and triple-check your changes very, very carefully before committing them. There's a way to check that you've actually logged in as root:
[22:42:53@~]$ sudo su - root
[22:43:00@root]# pwd
/var/root is the home directory for 'root'. If you get
anything else something is still wrong in 'Netinfo Manager'.