I.e 5.11

Yes it sucks that apple is kissing M$ butt, this does however get one of the major app builders on board with OSX, and once Omni Web is up to standards, or Netscape gets off it's butt, I think people will see that exploder is the lesser of choices. This way we can get Office for X and not have M$ holding any deals over Apple's head.:(
Yes it sucks that apple is kissing M$ butt, this does however get one of the major app builders on board with OSX, and once Omni Web is up to standards, or Netscape gets off it's butt, I think people will see that exploder is the lesser of choices. This way we can get Office for X and not have M$ holding any deals over Apple's head.:(
Now it's time that iCab Preview be included in the software updates as an alternate, high quality browser!!! It's fast, small, not M$ Exploder & a lot more powerful & customisable. Plus, the guys at http://www.icab.de are very active and update their software regularly.

I've not been too thrilled with OmniWeb lately, but I haven't tried iCab yet--I'll do that next.

As far as browsers go you all should check out the developments with the mozilla engine. There are people working with it and building it for OSX. It is NOT going to be a Netscape or an IE or an Omniweb. It is being called Fizilla. That is where I am looking at going since I don't like using IE, and Omniweb is slow (in comparison to IE). IE crashes, but is faster than Omniweb. I am excited about the Fizilla project. I suggest that you look at it a little bit. And it is opensource which kicks. The newsgroup is: netscape.publis.mozilla.macosx
It is in the netscape heading because it is the engine that Netscape uses. I would definatally check this out.
Originally posted by xtrotter
It is NOT going to be a Netscape or an IE or an Omniweb. It is being called Fizilla.

Actually I also have Fizilla installed and it is good, I also like the fact it is open source. But I have a friend who says that Netscape 6.0 and beyond are going to be grabbing from the Mozilla development. The browser war is definitely not over and with some great future products IE and Netscape are going to have to shape up or move out of the way!:p
Funny, I tried Fizzilla once, and it sucked to high hell. The GUI had problems, and it crashed more than IE and Omni Web combined. Maybe they fixed that up since I last tried it...
It makes sence to put IE in Software Update, considering it's the default browser shipping with OS X. There are some people who never us anything other than the browser that comes with the OS. So making it avalible via the OS makes perfect sence. If OmniWeb could include some of the MS bookmark and Favorites Bar features that are easier to user I would use it.

One thing that would switch me to one browser over the other, would be multipule user accounts, with out having to logout the OS to change the prefs.

Originally posted by davidbrit2
Funny, I tried Fizzilla once, and it sucked to high hell. The GUI had problems, and it crashed more than IE and Omni Web combined. Maybe they fixed that up since I last tried it...

The cool thing about Mozilla is that its rendering engine,
Gecko, is designed to be embeddable in other projects.
This means (in theory) that someone could write a wonderful,
Aqua HI compliant front end using ProjectBuilder and
drop the all-singing, all-dancing fully standards compliant
Mozilla engine into it. Imagine something with the
UI features of OmniWeb but with better CSS, DOM,
MathML, etc. performance than IE. Nice.
Originally posted by rharder
For those interested, the Fizzilla page is here: http://www.mozilla.org/ports/fizzilla .

It mentions that Quartz is not available through Carbon. Can anyone else verify this?


The way I understand things, you can't integrate Project Builder / Interface Builder (i.e. a Cocoa front end) with a CFM binary. That's the reason the Mozilla team seems to be subtly shifting towards producing a Mach-O back-end for embedding purposes.
Any time I try to access FTP with IE 5.1.1 I get "Illegal Port Command" on the screen. when I try to download the same file through the Terminal with "wget" it downloads perfectly, and a hell of alot faster then anything else I might add.

Anyone else having FTP problems since updating?

I've not had the Port error, but I have found wget to be much more reliable (and resurrectable) than IE. I wonder if you can set IE to use wget as its download agent.

It doesn't seem like most apps can call a command line program. Could we make IE launch an Apple Script that tells Terminal to execute a particular command? That seems like it would be the way to go, but I haven't played around with scripting OS X much yet.

I just opened Yahoo, and opened a second window. Then I get an error message saying.. "Could not load images, the application is running low on memory" Microsoft can't even figure out how to access the virtual memory!!!! leave it up to Microsoft to have such a dumb message in OS X. And for those of you wondering, I have 2 gigs of space on my hard drive for VM, and no other apps were open.
I would get that same nonsensical message using OS 9 with somewhat older versions of IE, so obviously Microsoft doesn't have application heap management down to a science yet.