I feel ripped off...

1 question , fryke: will my video editing needs be satiated? i'm not looking to get a hollywood blockbuster, but a good enough edit that i can make short videos look pretty presentable. not awe-inspiring, but something that looks like it came from a good video editing machine. i want my macbook for other things too, but if i can't have that, then i might as well shell out the extra 700 or so for a macbook pro(which i don't really want to do).
Video editing will work fine on the Macbook. Have a look at the following page that pits the Macbook against the Macbook Pro and G5 Powermac in iDVD, iMovie. http://www.barefeats.com/mbcd4.html

The only area where the Macbook falls short (drastically short, IMHO) is in the area of 3D gaming. Barefeats had a graph where the Macbook was faster than the old Powerbook in World of warcraft, and as an avid Warcraft player, I fail to see how they could have achieved that performance :(. If you're not doing any gaming, you should be fine. The Macbook is good for everything else.
thanks...i'll check out that link. yeah..no worries about gaming on my macbook. last time i played an mmorpg, my sleep was almost nonexistant and my schooling almost took a big hit...thank god my month of gameplay ran out and i had no money...lol. it was City of Heroes. freaking hell was that game my crack...i've been sober for three years now...not and mmorpg to date...lol.