Gotta correct you here... The 68K emulation in the first PowerPC processors wasn't all that fast. In fact for heavy-duty Photoshop work (just an example), a Quadra 840av (68040/40 MHz) remained king until the PowerPC 604 appeared in the PowerMac 8500/120 MHz. Also, the emulation was that of a 68020 processor without FPU (which explains the Photoshop comparison in part).
However, I'm not disputing that the PowerPC has been effective for emulators. And SoftWindows, RealPC and VirtualPC were three emulators (well, RealPC was SoftWindows minus Windows, basically - same company) that competed and competed well. ("Money makes the world go round...") Today, VirtualPC is quite a beast at what it does. And even if PearPC would have tremendous development speed in the near future, there'd still be the problem that it's just more complicated to emulate PPC on X86 than the other way 'round. And I consider VirtualPC, as good as it is, to be kind of the _minimum_ of what I want in emulation speed to be really useful.
In my opinion, Apple should do the following: Release Mac OS X for X86. A complete port. (We all know it's possible.) With all the iApps. And here's the catch: Make it a 3-day demo version. Make it UNhackable. And say (and say it LOUD): "We will not release a full version of Mac OS X for PCs. If you want this, you'll have to buy a Mac." ;-)
I know, I know. Would never work. But it's a nice daydream of mine.