I gots the final. :)

when configuring "Loging Prefs" you can login automatically into an account, disable Restart and Shut Down buttons, show a password hint after 3 attempts to enter a password...

and you can choose the authentication scheme you want. When you click the select button it brings an open dialog box that goes directly to a folder called "Authenticators" which only has "Kerberos.bundle" (the path to that folder is "HD/System/Library/Authenticators"). So this are great news for security concerned people. Well done Apple!!!

Finder Info says "Finder, Mac OS X (v10.0)

See you tomorrow MacOS X :(
OK for all you people that have used it:

1) Does it have the OS9 equivilent of popup folders (or folder tabs...whatever they are called) ?
(this means that they are NOT in the dock! )

2) What is included ? (i.e. what is in the applications folder)

3) IS music player any better than before ???

4) IS classic any faster in loading up ???

5) Can you use classic net apps( classic netscape, Yahoo Messenger, classic ICQ etc) while surfing the new in OS X ?

6) Is there a control strip back in or no ?

7) Is the RAM requirement STILL 128Mb ?

1) Does it have the OS9 equivilent of popup folders (or folder tabs...whatever they are called) ?
(this means that they are NOT in the dock! )

2) What is included ? (i.e. what is in the applications folder)

3) IS music player any better than before ???

4) IS classic any faster in loading up ???

5) Can you use classic net apps( classic netscape, Yahoo Messenger, classic ICQ etc) while surfing the new in OS X ?

6) Is there a control strip back in or no ?

7) Is the RAM requirement STILL 128Mb ?

I'm currently in a GM version, but perhaps not the final final final -- but here is what I have:

1. Pop-up folders are gone
2. Apps: pretty much the same as PB
3. The music player is gone -- going to be replaced with iTunes (which is a shame -- i really liked the player interface)
4. Classic loads faster i think. When it's done loading the OS 9 icon bails from the dock
5. Classic net apps work just fine. I use Netscape for certain tasks as IE 5.1 Preview SUCKS -- its worse than the one in PB
6. No control strip (yay!)
7. RAM requirement is still 128

The final final final shipping version may differ, however. With luck, I'll get my copy on Monday....
Hobeaux wrote that :
Classic net apps work just fine.
Does that means that classic (uncarbonized) apps like Eudora can fetch email out of the box without requiring the user to install a reflector of some sort ? :cool:

On another subject, AdmiralAK asked :
Does it have the OS9 equivilent of popup folders?
Well, I would believe that the popup menus for the folders placed in the dock are a good substitute for the popup folders of OS 9. So I guess heavy popup folders users (like me) won't feel orphaned... ;)

Has any one used Mac OS X's PPPoE ?
(especially on Sympatico's network... but any experience one has would be appreciated !)

[Edit : I had forgotten to type a word]

[Edited by Pascal on 03-23-2001 at 08:38 AM]
Note that I do not have a CD-Installed version of OS X but the "about this mac" box does indicate the 4k78 build.

PPPoE rocks for me... No problems except it doesn't automatically connect on machine boot (I may be picky, eh?) but I will resolve that with Applescript as I have done with my 9.1 PPPoE client. It does, however, have the option to start or open a connection when launching TCP/IP applications which seems to work OK. It was kind of tricky to set up but I got it figured out. It seems like it doesn't need any information but the password and login name for your ISP.

In addition, I have had very few problems (few enough that I can attribute them to the natural behavior of OS 9.1) when running classic TCP/IP applications (in the classic environment, of course) and OS X native TCP/IP apps at the same time. One such combination is I.E. (X) and Entourage (Classic). I have also used Hotfind (Classic) with I.E., Fire, and a few others. No major or inaccessability problems.

Regarding I.E. 5.1: I have had no problems with it, it seems even more stable than the classic version (5.0) in OS 9.1 (pretty darn stable). Just had to mention that for whoever it was that said it sucks.

[Edited by glowurm@mac.com on 03-22-2001 at 09:41 PM]
Granted, it's currently better than OmniWeb (which doesn't have CSS support so that app is a loser in my opinion) but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck.

some of my reasons for considering IE 5.1 preview to suck:
1. when downloading files, IE grinds to a halt and can cause poor performance in across other apps (spinning rainbow)
2. when downloading files, IE doesn't always show that its making progress. On occasion I've noticed that the Download Manager will state that it's waiting for bytes, but the icon on the desktop is updating with its progress.
3. complex tables and css pages tend to flip it out. Often will not draw large sections of a web page and will have to roll the mouse over stuff to make it visible. on css (and some normal pages) rolling over links will cause the link the flicker -- not all the time, but it does happen. For an example, visit this site: http://www.duarte.com -- I spent a LOT of time developing this site making sure it looks good on Mac/PC and IE/Nav but the Preview version just chokes on it. The html is sound, too, so don't blame me :P
4. poor implementation of the OS X checkboxes and the like. will often find checkboxes on the wrong color or bordered in black (eww)
5. "long load times" -- the app is probably loading quickly, but doesn't display stuff until its most of the way done with the page (there may be a preference to adjust that) which gives the impression that its loading in fits and spurts

I'm sure there's more, but I'm away from X until tomorrow
I concede: those are correct and totally accurate points. I have experienced all of the symptoms Hobeaux mentioned and agree that these are problems.

However, I think it is worth noting that it has support for my scroll wheel and right mouse button without any configurations or drivers (read: work on my part), and I am using a Kensington Mouse-in-a-Box Optical Pro Mouse (Microsoft Intellimouse clone). The Finder has limited support of this thing; the right mouse works as a contextual menu click and the wheel doesn't work at all. In some other apps around the system it (the wheel) does work. I dunno why. The side buttons don't do anything anywhere.

I.E. also doesn't crash on me... so I maintain that it is stable and fast. I haven't tried any other browsers in OS X so I cannot give a comparison to what others are doing.

And Hobeaux: That site rocks. Excellent design site-wise and project-wise, plus an impressive client list. You work for these people?

[Edited by glowurm@mac.com on 03-22-2001 at 11:57 PM]
Originally posted by Hobeaux
OmniWeb (which doesn't have CSS support ... is a loser in my opinion)

I'm doing my best from going off topic and telling you why (despite the obvious CSS thing, which is on the way) OmniWeb is a great browser. I will say this, all the items that you dissed IE for, work great in OmniWeb. Go spend some more time with it.

Originally posted by glowurm@mac.com
The Finder has limited support of this thing [scroll wheel and right-button]; the right mouse works as a contextual menu click and the wheel doesn't work at all. In some other apps around the system it (the wheel) does work. I dunno why. The side buttons don't do anything anywhere.
MacOS X 'Cocoa' apps have support for the scroll wheel. You can read more about Cocoa on this site. IE is the only non-Cocoa app I know of that has built-in support for the scroll wheel. I'm assuming that this is something MS did on their own, although I wish that Apple would add support for the scroll wheel in Carbon. It's kind of weird switching between programs and having the wheel support turn on and off.

At the very least, I'd really like to see wheel support in the finder!! Is this because the finder is carbon (is the finder carbon?)??

On another note: I spent all day long hanging out in staples looking for girls. No luck.

Boy do I feel stupid.
Well, there are issues with both apps. In the PB i was forever unable to install OmniWeb -- it would crash bomb every time I would try to run it.

On 4K78 I can get it to run, but with the (current) lack of CSS support, the sites that I frequent are disasters. My own personal site ( http://www.unrealengine.com ) is the worst of the bunch because I use extensive css -- no font tags allowed. :)

As for the Duarte site, yah -- I work for Duarte as a designer and guinea pig :)
Originally posted by p940e
Is this because the finder is carbon (is the finder carbon?)??
That is right : for reasons I cannot understand, Apple chose the Carbon route for the Finder. Could someone explain to me why they did not program the Finder in Cocoa ? After all, my understanding is that Finder X was rebuild from the ground up...
On another note: I spent all day long hanging out in staples looking for girls. No luck.

Boy do I feel stupid.
(<FONT SIZE=-4>Maybe in the inflatable toy section ? ;-) (Hey ! It's a joke, man !))</FONT>
Women...are women that hard to find these days ??? LOL :-p

Just put your mac to sleep... put something nice on and go take a walk lol :-p
(Women make up more than 50% of the population of the USA lol it aint THAT hard :-p)

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Just put your mac to sleep...

You make it sound so easy!!

Nah, for reals. I work so damned much (often 60+ a week) that it's hard to find time to meet girls. Plus, when I'm not working I'm either practicing music, on a hike, or at a Jazz concert. I suppose it's my own fault as these aren't the best places to meet women (Gosh, they're worse then staples).

Oh, and I still live with my parents (I'm only 20).
I am 20... full-time uni student ( in the USA ) and work 30+ hours a week...
Dont even have time to upgrade my website lol ... (use to update it every 1/2 month ...and now its down to every 3 months :-p)
Girfriend ?? go one of those lol (still live with parents though)...

practice music ??? I prefer to mix & edit and creat new music on my mac lol ...
and when I have time I like to play around with OSs....

(I guess opposites attract coz my girlfriend is almost anti computer, and hip-hop person (as opposed to techno/dance/house/club that I liste & make lol :-p) )

which reminds me... need to save up and buy groovemaker 2.0 :-p


PS: All (available) mac women on this board looking for a meaningful relationship (or whatever) make yourselves known! We have people men here who are looking for the same things you do! ( ok I also play cupid on my free time ) LOL
Originally posted by Dr_Stein
Just wanna change the hostname.. *sigh* There's obviously some things that they've changed around, and I can't seem to find any trace of SSH :(


man hostname


as for ssh, i will have tarballs of openSSL and openSSH on my site RealSoonNow(tm)
