I have a possibly dumb question


hey i was just wondering if it was at all possible to put tiger on my pc i am absolutely sick of microsoft and i have been doing research and have found that i really like tiger i dont have a ton of money to shell out on a brand new computer so is it possible for me to install tiger

this is my set up:

2.93 ghz celeron
512 mg ddr ram
40 gb hard drive
sound blaster external hd sound card 5.1
Video card Nvidia fx 5500 256 mb ram
universal reader card
usb 2.0 5 ports
monitor lcd flat panel 17" Pro view
Windows Xp pro

i hope this is all the info u need if not ask for more
An Apple-branded computer is required to use any version of Mac OS X.
You need an Apple-branded computer (iMac, PowerMac, iBook, MacBook, etc.). You will need to acquire one somehow. Your computer is NOT Apple-branded, and you cannot make your computer Apple-branded.
The reason for why you can't is that according to Apple it is illegal to install it on a regular PC. The version of OS X that is on sale is only for PowerPC, so you would in essence be hacking it to run on a PC using information that used to be on OSx86 but is no longer there due to legal threats from Apple, which would make said actions illegal.

That being said, it is your choice to attempt this. However, you won't receive assistance on how to get it working from anyone here as it's against the board rules posted by the admins on this site.

Now, what you CAN do is find a used PowerPC Mac that can support Tiger. They are relatively cheap now since the Intel Macs have helped bring down their prices. Check out this article on Low End Mac:


As for prices, you can also check out Low End Mac for some weekly prices by the vendors they support. Here's one listing for G4 Mac minis. And even better, here's one for iMac G5 systems that are only a little more expensive than what the mini in the first link costs.

If you want to run something other than Windows on that PC, I recommend the latest version of Ubuntu Linux which is version 6.06, also known as "Dapper Drake." I'm running this on my HP laptop from work and it's awesome!


Good luck!
One other thing....

If cost is a factor, try selling that PC to make up for the cost.