I have no idea what I'm doing


I have a cable modem plugged into my airport express and all is good.

I want to plug in a network cam which has an ethernet connection and since
I have no more ethernet ports on the cable modem, i bought a linsys dsl/cable router with 4 port switch hoping to use it as a splitter and just plug the cam and the airport into the router ports. Of course now Airport doesnt get internet -and I find myself deep into trying confirgure the router and I have tried copying the settings from my G4's systemprefs network settings, but no luck. All I want is to add the wired ethernet cam to my existing network - is it going to be possible - is there such thingas an ethernt splitter? am i using the wrong equipment?

thanks for any help..
For most cable configurations setting up a router is as easy as plugging it in. You want to hook the cable modem into the WAN port, then your airport to one of the other ports. It is possible that you need a cross-over cable to connect the two network devices together. However, some newer devices auto detect.

If you reset the router, unplug the modem, plug in the modem, plugin the router, and plug your computer directly into the router instead of using the AirPort does the internet work?
thanks for your help, HateEternal ...After speaking to linksys, they helped me get internet connectivity from the cable modem to the router, but they couldnt help me get internet connectivty restored to the airport express network. After tooling on the internet all day, i gave up trying to run a wired ethernet cam in conjunction with my wireless AE network and returned both the router and the cam.

Now I am going to bypass the whole router deal and try a wifi ready webcam in the hopes that i can just connect it to my AE network, and login to the webcam picture from anywhere on the web.

I have narrowed it down to these Net cams but am nervous that this will be major surgery as well 1) Axis 207w or 2) panasonic blc30a but i prefer the axis because it has audio.
Did you by chance purchase the Panasonic camera and were you able to set it up in Tiger? I bought one based on a comment by a reviewer on AMazon that it was easy to set up on OSX but I have not managed to do this so far - would greatly appreciate help anyone can give,

Cheers, Ciaran.