i just don't know..



I just recently owned a DP867 but I had to get rid of it due to the noise level. It was awful.

So, here I am without a useable computer at home. Still have an old Sawtooth 450 though, but it's only FTP and Fileserver with 10.2 server.

Now I want some advice.. All I want is a fast, good, and quiet Mac.. So I was thinking about the 17" widescreen iMac.

The problem is I consider myself a highend user. Run a lot of apps, Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightwave, Pro Tools and a variety of other video applications. The iMac is not really highend, is it. More like lowend.. Or at least that's what I always thought.

Can someone out there tell me if an iMac will do the job, and if it even can compare to the DP867 windtunnel I used to own..

How much RAM can I pack into it? How noisy is it?

The 17" iMac is wonderful. And believe me when I tell you it is quiet. The only sound you hear is the alert sounds.

Get the 80 gb hard drive/800 mHZ and you can get a firewire external hard drive if you need more room. The highest you can go on memory is 1 GB. There are two slots. one is factory installed with 168 mb. The other is accessible and you need a PC-133 144 pin SO-DIMM

The video card has 32MB and the super drive(CD/DVD player and burner) is awesome.

You'll be happy with it. :p
The DP867 had some major design flaws wih it, one being the case with too many holes, therefore dubbed the "Holey Mac" by the Apple Store peeps in my area, and there was a second larger issue with the Logicboard which will trigger the fans to go full speed even when it is not needed. (They had a factory recall here recently).

So I guess it is a little too late. But you should have posted in here earlier. They would have fixed the earlier batch of DP with fan noise problems.

If you compare the performance between the new iMac and Towers, well, the Towers will always win in performance. I have both side by side in the studio to know better. But what is more important is that do you need the PCI slots for explansion? Or are there Firewire solutions that can solve the connectivity needs of yours. If your answer is yes, you might want to even consider the eMac. That is a real value for money machine until the new generation of Macs rolls out of the Apple factory.

Cheers. My two cents. Hope this helps.

Sorry to hear of your "bad experience" with an Apple machine.

Nice to hear of ppl using old trusty Sawtooth as a ftp server.

Good day.
Get a cute little 867 MHz DP again, send it to me, and I'll fix it for you ;)
Shouldn't be harder than rerouting the air stream a little and replacing the fans, eventually building a new cabinet. Right now I'm actually building a PC cabinet in norwegian pine with aluminium front :)