I just thought of something


Probably just giving spymac.com ideas here, but maybe there's a PowerPod on the way. We have iBook and PowerBook, iMac and PowerMac, iPod.......

Just a thought...titanium shell housing a bigger screen(so it can be a PDA), file-managment++++
I don't buy it. Steve has said "no PDA" in the past and nothing that has come since tends to contradict or contraindicate that. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a "Newton II" that resurrects some of the great features of the Newton. But I really don't think that the PDA market is somewhere Apple wants to be.

It's more likely that some of the Newton technology will show up in other devices. The storage method (Soups) was a very interesting one, and allowed for some surprisingly useful interactions with the data from many applications. In a desktop environment, it would be the next step to filesystem-based metadata, a la BeOS. The HWR engine (Rosetta?) was, at the end, very very good and it would be nice to see it used somewhere else also.

In the end, though, these tech's will not see expression in a PDA from Apple again any time soon. I'd be willing to bet that we'll not see an Apple-branded PDA for at least the next 18-24 months. Again, I'd be happy if I was wrong, but I don't think I am.

Now, it would be interesting to see the iPod in titanium, which may be the distinguishing feature of the higher-capacity iPods, but the screen would not need to be bigger, nor would the software be all that different from the existing iPod. Higher capacity iPods are just a matter of time (I'm guessing MWNY), and it will be fun to see what they do with it. :)
Actually, I'm going to disagree with ya here. I don't think there is much of a market for a bigger iPod. What are they going to charge for it, $500? I think it's more realistic that we'll see a lite version of the iPod. Something that will sell for around $200 and be like 2 gigs instead of 5. I know that I would love to have an iPod .. it'd perfect for studying (heh) but I, and many, many others, cannot afford to drop 400 bones on a 'digital walkman.'
Hey, guess what was just released...

An mp3-player with a higher price than iPod, 20Gb HD and a bigger screen...it'll be heavy, I suggest wearing it as a backpack...yet this gives Apple an excuse to release PowerPod, I'm strong in my belief.


  • pic8193.jpeg
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OK, I just have to say....


... to that pic. Plus I'll bet it doesn't use FireWire. :D All those stupid manufacturers afraid to use it.
You're 100% correct, simX, it uses USB...think about it:

20Gb Music through USB
Also, it only has a 10 hour-battery, so those 20 gigs of music can't be heard at the same time...


But I still think PowerPod will come
Well, I think a larger capacity iPod is not out o the question by at leastMWNY. i mean toshiba does have the 10 and 20gigs out now right? So I could see the price of the 5gig come down to maybe $299 and the 10gig might slide in at the usual $399. Althogh I woiuldn't mind the 5 go down to 199 the 10 and 299 and the 20 at 399 but i doubt they need thta many offerings...

This is Creative Nomad 3.
It will be equipped with 20Gb HD, USB and FireWire.
It can also record sound...

Time for PowerPod to come soon...
That thing looks like its the size of a portable CD player. Part of the reason the ipod is so cool is because of the size. So is the picture just an illusion or is the nomad3 really a huge beast of a machine?