I Love The New Safari!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Finally!!! After All These Years... (since Os X Came Out) I Finally Have A Browser That I Am Proud To Use - And Not Embarrassed To Show Others The Internet On My Mac Now.

Yeah, I love being able to block out @#%$ that I don't care to see. Not to mention being able to control the text size with the command-,+ keys! :eek:
So far I've only really noticed "resume" feature as new.

So far all of the other problems I've had with sites (websites not working/rendering wrong, but not website-side problems/browser detection problems/etc) that I've checked are still there, popup browsing does not allow an "exclusion" option (loud resounding "duh"?), no way to prompt user each time where they want to save files, still clutters my download directory (instead of some temp directory) any time I need to view a non-HTML file.

Safari was always fast for me before, but then I don't think Mozilla is bad. Maybe it's the systems I'm running it on =)

What I also haven't seen is a feature that doesn't exist in another (or most other) browsers.

So what is it that you like so much better about 1.2 versus 1.1 or other browsers, Scott?
Ripcord wrote: "So far I've only really noticed "resume" feature as new." - Read http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/hyatt/archives/2004_02.html#004874 for more 'news' in Safari 1.2.

Then Ripcord wrote: "popup browsing does not allow an "exclusion" option (loud resounding "duh"?)..." - You should check out OmniWeb 5 Beta 1 for those.

Ripcord wrote: "no way to prompt user each time where they want to save files, still clutters my download directory (instead of some temp directory) any time I need to view a non-HTML file." - Then you haven't looked at the contextual menu at all?
some improvement... the new Safari can execute this command... " window.print "

but still using mozilla < 1.3 ...
i need this one so badly so that i can use the HTMLArea coding on Safari...
fryke said:
You should check out OmniWeb 5 Beta 1 for those.
Or, better yet, just hit the key combination to turn pop-up blocking on/off when you hit that site.

Loud resounding "duh."
Well, yes, but then it's set. Site-specific preferences are a bliss for people who have a few sites they surf to that actually need popups allowed.
fryke said:
Well, yes, but then it's set.
No, no, no.

The point of memorizing the key combo is to turn the pop-up blocking on and off easily. You just go to the site with the pop-up, turn off the blocker with the combo, then turn it back on when the pop-up has loaded.

And personally, I think it would be fairly stupid for a site to require that the user has no pop-up blocker in the first place. At least include some link that will manually load the pop-up window.
Well, however stupid those sites are, they exist. And 'dumb things' seem to be 'en vogue' ever since the web came to be. First we all had slow lines and people started extensively using GIF89a images, then came framesets, then Windows/Corel users who made their sites 'flashy' and unreadable ("green type on blue background? that's neato! and it can BLINK, too! see?")... well, pop-up window requiring sites are just the latest 'thing' strange people seem to like...

but I still prefer site-preferences to hitting apple-k every time I visit a site that needs it... ;-)
fryke said:
Then Ripcord wrote: "popup browsing does not allow an "exclusion" option (loud resounding "duh"?)..." - You should check out OmniWeb 5 Beta 1 for those.

...Or Mozilla or Opera, I suppose, but what's that have to do with Safari?

fryke said:
Ripcord wrote: "no way to prompt user each time where they want to save files, still clutters my download directory (instead of some temp directory) any time I need to view a non-HTML file." - Then you haven't looked at the contextual menu at all?

Apparently I haven't. Cool! Finally! =)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to troll and think the improvements are good, but I'm just finally switching back to Mozilla after using Safari for 6 months since I haven't come up with a compelling reason to use Safari, and lots of reasons to use something else... Especially in Panther browser performance just doesn't seem to be a problem for me anymore, which was the major reason for the switch to Safari in the first place.
Ricky said:
Or, better yet, just hit the key combination to turn pop-up blocking on/off when you hit that site.

That's a bit ridiculous.

Expecting users to do that is a bit like a situation where I have only one USB port on my computer and no USB hub (including in my keyboard). Instead of buying a hub, I just unplug my keyboard and plug in my mouse when I want to click on something, then swap again when I need to type...
I think it's a lot easier to hit one command key function to turn off pop-ups (temporarily) than to manually add the site to a list of sites to allow pop-ups. Sure, it's there if I ever need to use that site's feature again, but what if I never visit the site again? What about every other site that needs it? Should I have to add each one to an ever-increasing list, or should I simply push a key combination to get to it?

But whatever, it all depends on what you prefer.

I guess I need to download Safari 1.2.
With this painfully slow net connection I've wanted to do everything once I'm home .. in a few weeks. So far, what Safari 1.1. doesn't do, I do with Firebird .. And I think it will not change. Firebird / other mozillas still probably have more control over things .. but look less mac. :)
For me, Safari is a love / hate relationship.

I'm in it right now, typing away. It's fast, looks cool and gets better with every update.


Why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why will Apple NOT implement PROPER css support?

I have to use Mozilla [well, Firefox now] to see what my web pages look like.

Safari utterly ignores styles text fields and pop-up / drop-down menus. So I end up with text fields pushing the content all over the place because they're just too big in Safari while every other mainstream browser renders them just fine.

This needs sorting out...
Octane: "Safari utterly ignores styles text fields and pop-up / drop-down menus. So I end up with text fields pushing the content all over the place because they're just too big in Safari while every other mainstream browser renders them just fine."

What ARE you talking about? Any examples? I've never had a problem with drop-downs....

The only problems I ever had with Safari were the constant crashing in the Beta, and Java issues in 1.0 (and its not Apple's java thats non-compliant) - since then I've been quite happy, and these updates just sweeten it even more for me. I love the spartan look, no unnecessary buttons or once-a-year functionality visible.
It just keeps getting better. As for sites that block browsers that block pop-ups, any sites built by people with such limited vision don't deserve my bandwidth. If they've done it specifically to shaft Mac users then they can definitely do without my custom.
MacMuppet said:
What ARE you talking about? Any examples? I've never had a problem with drop-downs...

