I might have to go back to PC


I Hate to say this but I might have to go back to the PC world. I really dont want to but lets take a look. Back in 2000 I bought a top of the line G4 500 AGP Now only 2 years later it is VERY obsolete. If I want to replace it with a new more up to date system I am looking at spending another 3000 bucks. I could build my own PC with decent specs for a third of that cost. THe mac seems to be a more for a graphics profesional, I really am not a graphics profesional. I work on PC's and PC networks for a living. I dont do graphics so why do i need a mac. The truth is though I have fallin in love with my mac OS I just cant afford to keep up.. So what do I do? I can honestly say my 500 still feels much snapier and smooth than the 1 ghz PC's we have at work and it really does everything I need it to do with no problem so Honestly I dont need to upgrade yet. I guess a big thing I have been noticing is that the computer market seems to be growing faster than the consumers need for a faster computer. If that makes any sence. I love my mac but they are just to expensive.
my G3 @ 350 is at least 3 years old, and going towards 4 (home)
my G3 @ 250 is at least4 and going towards 5 (work)

It still does what I want to to do, and pretty damn well :)
If you think a 2-3 year old PC (original factory unit) will be better than a 2-3 year old mac, you are kidding yourself :) -- I have a PC here at work which is almost as old as my 250 G3 and it crocks at least 2x a day, not to mention that I cant have more than 2 processes at the same time, while with my mac I can have 5-6 programs running and not notice a noticeable difference.
what do you do with your mac? internet, e-mail, music?? if that's all any PCI power mac running 8.x will work (if you get iTunes for OS 8) fine for what you need. if you needed graphics (which you said you dont) even the first iMac or any G3 would be fine, and you've got a G4, that should do anything as fast as you could need it to do (at home anyway). my iMac is fine for everything i do an it's 'only' a 400Mhz G3, and my duo is fine for word processing, XPress, and loads of old games.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Internet, office apps, photoshop, MP3, FTP-like apps, dreamweaver, filemaker, mail, and more
i was asking b4tn (should've made it clearer) but that list will prove a point, a 68040 will get online, run appleworks 5 (dunno about 6) play mp3s (i've heard, never used the software) and fetch and eudora, the only thing it can't run is dreamwaver. you should learn html ;)
Originally posted by mrfluffy

i was asking b4tn (should've made it clearer) but that list will prove a point, a 68040 will get online, run appleworks 5 (dunno about 6) play mp3s (i've heard, never used the software) and fetch and eudora, the only thing it can't run is dreamwaver. you should learn html ;)

maybe it was teh lack of FPU, but I could NOT play MP3s :) --- one of the chief reasons I switched.
actually i just came from PC world to Mac. The new Powerbook of mine just began to take full responsibility of my web center, doing Email, browsing, music those all day stuff.
it's always the same story, which configuration to match the desired usage. For programming i use my dual processor XP professional workstation with VS.net installed. It's much easier and easy to run.