I Hate to say this but I might have to go back to the PC world. I really dont want to but lets take a look. Back in 2000 I bought a top of the line G4 500 AGP Now only 2 years later it is VERY obsolete. If I want to replace it with a new more up to date system I am looking at spending another 3000 bucks. I could build my own PC with decent specs for a third of that cost. THe mac seems to be a more for a graphics profesional, I really am not a graphics profesional. I work on PC's and PC networks for a living. I dont do graphics so why do i need a mac. The truth is though I have fallin in love with my mac OS I just cant afford to keep up.. So what do I do? I can honestly say my 500 still feels much snapier and smooth than the 1 ghz PC's we have at work and it really does everything I need it to do with no problem so Honestly I dont need to upgrade yet. I guess a big thing I have been noticing is that the computer market seems to be growing faster than the consumers need for a faster computer. If that makes any sence. I love my mac but they are just to expensive.