I moved the iTunes folder and now it can't see it



well in an attempt to free up some much needed disc space on my main drive with X on it, i moved the iTunes folder to another partition. i went into prefs and redirected it to my folder, but noooooo it can't see it. does iTunes have to be on the main drive? and do i have to no import ever mp3 into my play lists?

i could really use some help on this one.

thanks, snø
You can put your music collection wherever you want, iTunes isn't that fussy.

You might have to go File -> Add to Library... and do it that way.

I've found iTunes to be a little finicky about moving the music folder...
At home I share, at least on one computer, all my account with one MUSIC folder location. The reason is for project separation, acounts and such, but I want full access to all the music on the machine.

I put it in one location in /common/music and make links in my home directory to this. Tis is not for everybody and it UNIX, you could try aliasing the folder and put that alias in $HOME, it sholuld work.


Open terminal.app
sudo mkdir /common
sudo mkdir /common/music

cd $HOME (default anyway)
mv music to music.orig
mkdir music
cd music
ln -s /common/music/iTunes iTunes

If you have some understanding of UNIX, the above is quite understandable, this does work.

You could try doing the same but using the GUI and make an alias of /common/music/iTunes and put that in your $HOME/music directory.
i have figured it out... octane you were on the right track with import, but what you have to import if you move the file is "iTunes Music Library.xml" first you should delete all your playlists as this doubles them. i have all the music in the right place, now i just need to figure out which files are the bad ones.
