I need a new IP


Ministry of Re-Education
If I hit "Renew DHCP Lease" will that give me a new IP? I go through Adelphia, and if I call them and ask them to change my IP do you think they would? Anybody have experience with this?
Your IP address is up to Adelphia. If you renew your lease, their DHCP server may hand you back your existing IP. Probably the surest way to let your IP die is to unplug from the network for a few minutes, kill your broadband modem (if you use one) and let their DHCP server reassign your IP to someone else (or drop it entirely). The longer you are offline, the better your chances of someone else adopting your address. If they have assigned a single IP to your physical network location you may be stuck with that for a long time. I had a friend in Toronto who had a single IP for over six months, despite shutting down everything every night. Why are you keen to get a new IP?
Because I got permanently banned on another usenet for posting the truth about the board owner and their affiliation with the DEA. i need a new IP to create a new user to get back in.
Check out Tor and anonymization service provided by the EFF. It changes your IP address every time you connect to the internet.
Try it, then you'll know.. I didn't for some reason manage to make it work behind airport. :)
I have Comcast and have had the same IP for a couple years. Renewing doesn't change it, leaving the modem uplugged for a day doesn't change it either. In my case, if I wanted it changed Comcast would have to do it.

Usually, when a board bans an IP, it's not just your IP, it's the range your IP is in, so if your cable company gave you a new IP, you may still not be able to get in.
I've got Tor working for both my Airport Extreme and wired connections that are behind routers and firewalls.
Viro, thank you so much, this is the greatest program. It required some intermediate adjusting of my network and firewall parameters had to open a few gateways for my purpose but this thing is totally sweet. I am now officially anonymous.

A note for future users: You can turn off the firewall on your router and use the built-in OSX firewall for easier temporary use. I wouldn't recommend leaving your routers firewall off for very long though. I just checked the log file and all kinds of hackrs have been trying all kinds of tricks to get in...

Well, I ceated a new user and I'm back in, busting up the sting.