i am not sure i understand this correctly.
let me try and piece this together.
first, i declare the timer:
NSTimer timer;
right? then, i can start the timer, i guess.
Timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInteraval:0.1 selector:??? target:doINeedOne??? userInfo:???
but, then how do i get the double value? Can a overload it by
double totalTime=timer;
All i want to do is start the timer, and let it go. I don't want to affiliate it with any functions or processes. I just want to be able to start the timer, and when my app does what it wants to do, or when i choose, have to timer stop and return the time elapsed.
Sorry if i sound like i don't know what i am talking about. I know obj-c and c++ very well, but i am just learning cocoa.