hi i'm new to this forum and new to the mac world... ::love:: ..
i have 2 computers one is on 9.2 and cannot upgrade to 10 dey say it's gona be to slow...
1 have os 10.. i have i tune on os 10 but the music does not go directly there it goes to the window media.. how can i disignated.. the music to go straight to itunes...
and iz there itunes for 9.2... because my b'f kinda sorta forbids me to use the
os 10 computer.. .. but i could get around him...
What kind of computers do you have? It should say on the front of each; if they're laptops, it will say so underneath the screen. Also describe them a little bit, as there are different variations of most of Apple's line (gumdrop iMac vs. desklamp iMac, for example).
To get a song to play in iTunes, it has to end in something besides .wma; the usual suspects are .mp3, .m4a, and .m4p. If it does end in .wma, then you have a Windows Media file, which iTunes can not read. If it's not a .wma, simply drag the file on top of the iTunes icon, which is in your Dock by default.
There is iTunes for 9.2, iTunes 1 and 2 were for 9.2... you can download iTunes 2 from www.macupdate.com if you would like to.
If you'd like the music in OS X (OS 10) to be associated with iTunes, simple click once on the music file, press Command-i (to "get info") and look under the "Open With" section. You can select iTunes from here, and press the button that says "Change All..." to change all the files like that to open with iTunes. However, iTunes cannot play .WMA files -- if those are the files you wanna play, those must be played through Windows Media Player.
By the way, what kind of computer do you have running OS 9? If it's an iMac or newer, or an older Mac that's been upgraded, it may run OS X fine.