I need my iDisk!!!


I haven't been able to access my iDisk since I've upgraded to X. I'm on my PowerBook over an airport network, and can't get it to load through the Go menu or the iTools website. I can still get to my website hosted off my iDisk, and get to it through my iMac running OS 9.1:( Any Suggestions or help?:confused:
you did set your system preference/internet/itools account name and password correctly, right? some of us here figured out that when you try to access the account can make a real difference. I normally don't try to use mine til after midnite pst and i get right on. other times can be very busy and provide long delays and timeouts when loading even with dsl or cable. just a lot of people using their accounts. keep in mind it maintains a connection for up to an hour and probably over half the users just leaave it sitting up and open when they're done.:(
There is a problem with the way the iDisk menu item accesses iDisks, and if you don't have any DNS entries (Domain Name Servers) entered into your Network Pane of the System Preferences application, it is likely that selecting this option will fail to mount your iDisk.

I had this problem, and entering my DNS servers manually into my Network pane solved the problem right up!
You might also try Go->Connect to Server then enter afp://idisk.mac.com you will then be prompted for username/password. I remember awhile back there were some issues using Go->iDisk which uses the WebDAV protocol. Don't really remember what the issues were, though. Worth a shot.

P.S.- Also maybe make sure your info is entered in the "Internet" System Preferences Pane.
Does anyone know how to mount two idisks using webDAV? I use two of them all the time, and thought there *must* be a way. Although I use one more than the other, but I'd hate to have to change my Internet settings just to be able to mount that one by Go->iDisk. Thanks.
Entering afp://idisk.mac.com works great. I'll try enterin my dns numbers later, i don't have the time now. Thanks!:D