I need some help here... Damn Mac Bashers


I am the law!
I am the admin of a VW Club in Rochester NY called dubr. This post was aimed directly at me:



... macs suck. bill gates this, bill gates that, what OS still supports the most amount of software out there? thats right. Windows. With the advent of XP, i don't even know why people bother with overpriced, underpowered macs.

So if any of you feel so inclined, please sign on and post rebuttal

I'm posting now. God, this is gonna be funny.... :D
Don't worry, the community here will take care of this, they won't know what hit them :)
Why respond to them at all. The last 24-48 hours has been an excellent example of why and how Macs are better than PC's.

... I love how they think PCs are easier to navigate. I've heard just how great PCs are for last 15 years. It is no more true now then it was back when they were using DOS or Windows 1-3.1. If things are so great in the PC world, why did they need a more Mac like system? Why didn't they stick with DOS or the GUI of the original Windows?

Besides, VWs aren't exactly a mass market car in the US. Surely they should know how Mac users feel. Or have they never defended VWs before? I know I've come across VW bashers from time to time.
I've been filtering through AC's first link for, oh, an hour or so, and I came across an article so hilarious I had to post it before continuing anything else. The path to this page is MacvsPC.info > What PC Advocates Aren't Saying > Hating Macs 101 > this. OMFG!!!
Here's another page I came across. This one is 50 reasons Windows is "better" than Mac. It hasn't been updated for several years, so already many of the arguments made are moot. But in most cases, the author skims over the Mac's features, makes brief references, or makes outright lies about the Mac's capabilities.


EDIT: Perhaps all the "rouge programs" should be treated with lipstick as well, perhaps a little mascara?
Well the people there aren't bad folks. Nice little club really. I've been posting are you sure they were attacking you directly seems like loose ended joke to me.
Xeiliex: Does it go something like:

"I heard you was talkin' s*** about my Mac, bizatch! (pulls gun) You wanna talk s*** now, moddafokka? Huh? Do you?"

Dlloyd: You're a web designer, just make a website combatting each of his points and send him the link. Be sure to make each point clear on how the Mac has the advantage, instead of his way of not telling the whole story or simply lying about features of the Mac. Besides, that site is about 5 years old, so you should be able to nullify many of his points based on OS X alone.
lol good one. :D

well this is finished... the thread is locked, and think those guys are little more wiser to the wear about what they say and do and if their not then i don't know to tell you.
Heh, post something inflammatory about VW's. Then you'll see sparks fly and posts actually erupting in flames.