I need the x11 for dummies instructions

I'm not quite sure if I understand the question but if you install R via finkcommander it should grab all of the depenedencys as well. It took a while on my machine since it had to compile GCC again to get Fortran support (go figure)....

well my question, in more generic terms is that if i know something is installed but fink commander doesn't recognise it as such, will it check my HD for it first or will it just go get a new one and then check. or do i need to let fink find it using terminal like i did with x11 and gimp?

at any rate, i'm completely baffled now because i have found an os x native version of R. the one i had previously downloaded had claimed to be wasn't as far as i could tell. in fact, i'm yet to figure out where it went at all. i may also download r-base thru fink and see how it works with the GUI that is in development for it. The native gui is not very intuitive, not that i expected it to be. But i originally downloaded R-1.5.1 from versiontracker and i swear it just disappears after i have run the installer. i'm sure it's eating up space onmy drive somewhere, but who knows where. i've searched with Find, i've made invisible files visible, etc. i'm stumped as to how to launch it.

but now i have r162 from the Cran site. there is also a 1.6.2 in the x11 version.
R, as it is, really reminds me of running SPSS on DOS many years ago :p no doubt that printing out the manual will help a lot.

i think i'm done with questions for now. i'll go play with my new toys on my new systems.

ok, i'm back. you knew i would be. now i want to know if there is a way to save docs to an external drive. i can't seem to get out of my main drive from the save dialogues. and while i got openoffice running fine from an external drive, i still can't figure out how to save files in its own folder. also my external has a name with spaces in it and terminal won't seem to let me do any commands past the first word.

any suggestions here? :confused:
I haven't used OpenOffice before, but you can try navigating from your main drive to other drives by going into the /Volumes folder at the root of your main drive. It should have all the connected hard drives and CD drives in that folder.

You can escape a space in the terminal by using a backslash "\" before every space in the line (ex: /Volumes/Mac\ HD\ 2). That will tell the terminal to ignore the spaces. You can also enclose everything in quotes like "/Volumes/Mac HD 2"
thanks. that works, i see how it's done now. for some reason i didn't realize that the dialogue wasn't starting from root.

hey, i said 'for dummies' :p

now i'm having problems trying to install RGnumeric and RGtk, for adding Gnumeric to R as a GUI interface. the install instructions say run 'R CMD INSTALL RGtk' but i get back a not found with just that. if i add the path to R and then that, i get back 'no packages specified'. obviously i installed R with Fink and these are not available thru Fink - even as unstable. Any ideas?
.. why what? Don't you ever do anything with html etc? I'm just compiling it - tired of BBedit so now (mmh, I wanted something Wysiwyg as well, not just hand coding) trying that ;)
i haven't done any html in over a year. i started too and then got my photo sharing pages. not in a big rush and this stuff is already eating my little 10 GB HD alive.

another question i meant to ask - does the use of capital and lowercase letters make a difference? i've been taking extra care to use them as shown, but i hate it.
edX: I've been following this thread. Unless I am mistaken your goal is to install X Windows in order to run a GUI version of R. 2 questions:

1. Is THERE a GUI version of R?
2. Was it worth all the previous problems?

Thanks for any info.
Durbrow - yes, one of my major goals is to run R off of a gui. there are several, only one of which i have been able to make work. however it is very much in it's infancy and accesses only the most simple statistics like t-tests. in other words stuff i could do with gnumeric (now that i have discovered it as well. there is an interface that links R to gnumeric but i can't get it to install and it's not part of fink commander's listings. i would like to know how to get it in place. i would be happy with any interface that lets me enter data in spreadsheet style and gives me manova abilities i think. there are a couple of other stats related to test reliability i will need, but not as soon.