I need YOUR ad! (free free)


Yeah, Androo.
for free! dont pay me! Though it will be replaced with another ad once someone offers to pay :)
but that won't be for a while.
must be 100pixels in width, 125pixels in height. You can make it a bit bigger, only in height. Not too much bigger though :)

So who wants their animated advertisement, 100x125 pixels, for free on my site (this is for a new site that i am making :) i want to put a little ad on it).
People, post what your company or website is/does, and i will choose the best one :)
just out of curiosity, why would you put ads on your website if you aren't getting paid. call me crazy, but i would think that most web users dislike ads.
here ya' go:


and have it go to http:homepage.mac.com/marceline407/
I would do it, but my site is just a blog, nothing that would interest people.

What's this site for? and ditto with cf25, why do you want an ad?
lol wdw, that's funny :)
i never said that i would definetly use it :)
but i might, unless it looks awful
ahhh sry i chose my other idea.
DAMNIT i suck. I cant make up my mind with this kind of stuff.
ummm yea sry wdw....
but i am putting links on, i am putting a few from friends, and perhaps people in the dextop group :)
The Dextop site is currently http://penguinn.com/thingy/home.php for anyone interested, these links are on the bottom-left.

I see you've been messing with the design, Androo. I'd say take out that PHP page for the menu and just make it open by default, in its own div.